The Best Software for Pick (Digit) Lottery, Gambling, Lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Keno, Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, Horse Racing, Sports Betting, Probability, Odds, Statistics, Combinatorial Mathematics, Lexicographical Ordering, Random Generators
I. Extraordinary Software Site for Lottery, Gambling, Science
II. Categories of Software Available to Downloading
5.1. Lottery Software: Lotto, Pick 3 (Daily), Pick 4, Pick 5 (Quinto), Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Thunderball, Keno
5.2. Lottery Software: Utilities, Tools, Lotto Wheels
5.3. Horse Racing Software for Trifectas, Superfectas
5.4. Sports Betting Software, Plus Excel Spreadsheets
5.5. Casino Gambling Software: Baccarat, Blackjack, Roulette
5.6. Scientific Software: Mathematics, Statistics, Probability, Combinatorics, Odds, Algorithms
5.7. Text Editing, Miscellaneous Software from Other Software Developers
III. New Software Titles, Software Upgrades, Updates
I. Extraordinary Software Site for Lottery, Gambling, Science
First captured by the WayBack Machine (web.archive.org) on June 19, 2000.
- The software at this Web site is NOT free to download. Paid membership is required in order to download this collection of unique software. The membership fee is negligible when compared to similar software titles.
- Without a bit of a doubt, the multipurpose software you download here is far superior to any products in similar categories. All other software applications elsewhere only give you lottery number frequency and a few prepackaged lotto wheels — some asking you to pay US$ 200!
- You will find here software and systems for lottery, lotto, pick 2 3 4 5 digit lotteries, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Keno, horse racing, blackjack, roulette, sports betting, gambling, probability, odds, statistics, mathematics, random number generation, lexicographic ordering... How more could you ask for? Moreover, some of the software titles you find here are absolutely unique. You will not find similar programs anywhere else — regardless of prices.
- It is NOT a contradiction in terms. The software you download is free for you to use during your lifetime. This one-of-a-kind software collection has no crippled features, and no strings attached. The programs are not shareware: They are totally freeware. You pay once and never have to renew subscriptions or licenses. Please visit the download-membership page and read all terms of service: Download Excellent Software: Paid Membership Required.
- The latest programs are 32-bit software. They require a 32-bit or 64-bit flavor of the Windows operating system (XP, Vista, Win 7, 8, 10).
- You should definitely use only the latest versions, and particularly the Bright and especially Ultimate software packages. They have every program and function needed for that particular game or collection — and then some.
- After registration (one-time payment), a special-access page will be created for you. The member page offers direct access to the software your membership entitles to. The special page also presents clear information on how-to: Download, install, run, and backup your software.
- If one computer fails, you may reinstall your software on other computers of your personal usage. Sharing this software with any other person is prohibited. If playing in a lottery group, every member of the group must pay for his/her own membership.
II. Categories of Software Created by This Author and Available to You
The software is divided into a number of 7 categories. Each software category has its own Web page for enhanced clarity. Furthermore, every major piece of software has its own presentation page. Every program has its own self-describing screens. And every member has access to specialized pages with descriptive information on downloading, installing, and running this one-of-a-kind software — always imitated, never duplicated.
If you need to download programs from several categories (most visitors do), you will return to this hub page. You can select your software categories and programs only here. Some programs are listed in two or more categories. Your membership pages offer direct download link to the integrated software packages (Bright, or Ultimate Software).
There is an even more detailed page presenting the principal software categories and individual titles: Presentation of the Best Software for Lottery, Gambling, Science.
You may want to download everything offered, as many visitors do. Then take your time to testing everything you got. You will find the same programs in different incarnations. Running the newest version is the preferred procedure. The latest Bright and especially Ultimate Software collections are, by far, the best choices.
This category comprises a wide variety of software working with many lotto and lottery games. It handles lotto 5, 6, 7, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Thunderball, Keno, pick 3, 4, Pick 5 (formerly Quinto). The lottery / lotto software performs statistical analyses, generates the filter reports, then it generates optimized combinations... and much more. The programs have embedded instructions, plus specialized help facilities.
This category comprises a wide variety of utility software working with many lottery and lotto games. The lottery / lotto programs in this group perform smaller tasks, other than analysis and combination generating. The number of functions comprised in this category is staggering. You need to read the info files accompanying the specific software title. You need also to run the lottery software for yourself. The best experience is hands-on experience.
This category comprises a wide variety of software working with horse racing. Horse-racing is treated as a form of lottery, more specifically pick-3 lottery (trifectas). The software performs statistical analyses, generates the filter reports, then it generates optimized trifecta combinations.
This category comprises a wide variety of software working with sports betting. The software performs statistical analyses, generates the filter reports, then it generates optimized combinations... and much more.
(formerly old roulette, blackjack software).
The gambling software (also gambling mathematics software) performs statistical analyses for the casino games of Baccarat, Blackjack, and Roulette.
The software in this group is one of the best ever and highly unique. The programs deal with theory of probability, calculating odds for various games of chance. The software also performs statistical functions (e.g. standard deviation, binomial distribution, hypergeometric distribution, etc.) There are also programs that perform tasks in combinatorics. The mathematical software calculates and generates permutations, combinations, arrangements, exponents — and also calculates the lexicographic indexes or orders.
The software in this group can't be categorized clearly. There is also software written by other authors or offered as shareware by third-party vendors. Text editing and file viewers are also offered here. You can also create beautiful DOS or Command Prompt screens via batch file programming (16-bit-only software).
III. New Software, Software Upgrades, Updates
The titles announced in this section cannot be downloaded directly. You need go to the respective software category page (listed in section II). Scroll down the page until you see the software title; or search by program name (Ctrl+F). Then, click/right-click on the corresponding download link.
May 14, 2018: Upgrades to the 5- and 6-number programs in Bright_5&6 and Ultimate Lotto Software 5&6. There are noticeable improvements in SPEED — so crucial for these games. Also updated: LotteryData.zip.
- The speed improvements of May 9, 10 introduced an inexplicable bug when creating/using filenames that were not listed in the INI files. The compiler has no clue regarding the #DEBUG ERROR ON statement! I did fix the potential errors while keeping the speed improvements.
- Software category 5.1
- Date stamp: MAY 2018 (all-caps).
- Download once to your default Download folder, then copy each program to the corresponding Bright5/6 / Ultimate Lotto5/6 folders.
- Click to self-decompress the new exe packages. Allow overwriting the old files (except for PA-* data files in case you're using the same names; rename them PA-*.OLD).
April 11, 2018: Upgrades to all 10 integrated packages known as Bright and Ultimate Software
The emphasis is on the proprietary LIE Eliminations Strategy by upgrading massively the PairGrid programs.
Pick3: The Ultimate software for pick-3 or 3-digit lottery games (from 000 to 999).
Dedicated page: Ultimate Software for 3-Digit (Pick 3) Lottery Games.
Pick4: The Ultimate software for pick-4 or 4-digit lottery games (from 0000 to 9999).
Dedicated page: Ultimate Software for 4-Digit (Pick 4) Lottery Games.
Lotto5: The Ultimate software for lotto-5 or 5-number jackpot games (e.g. from 1 2 3 4 5 to 35 36 37 38 39).
Dedicated page: Ultimate Software for 5-Number Lotto Games.
Lotto6: The Ultimate software for lotto-6 or 6-number jackpot games (e.g. from 1 2 3 4 5 6 to 44 45 46 47 48 49).
Dedicated page: Ultimate Software for 6-Number Lotto Games.
Horses: The Ultimate software for trifectas or top 3 finishers in horse races (e.g. from 1 2 3 to 10 9 8).
Dedicated page: Ultimate Software for Horse Racing Trifectas.
Upgrade; software category: 5.3.
High-powered software for horse race wagering is serious software for serious horse racing bettors. Powerful features were added, plus a far superior documentation. This is absolutely a must-have upgrade of the best horse-racing software ever!
Upgrade; software category: 5.1.
High-powered integrated pick-4 lottery software — the most powerful software packages for 4-digit lotteries. Powerful features were added, plus a far superior documentation. This is absolutely a must-have upgrade!
Upgrade; software category: 5.1.
High-powered integrated pick-3 lottery software — the most powerful software packages for pick-3 lotteries. Powerful features were added, plus a far superior documentation. This is absolutely a must-have upgrade!
• April 23, 2011
Nicely updated in version 3.2, with improvements all over the pick-3 software system. This update also fixes problems in duplicate stripping and wheeling, plus generating sets with favorite digits and applying exclusions. It changed the range function in lexicographical generation.
Upgrade; software category: 5.1.
High-powered integrated lotto-6 software — the most powerful software packages for 6-number lotto games. Powerful features were added, plus a far superior documentation. This is absolutely a must-have upgrade!
Upgrade; software category: 5.1.
High-powered integrated lotto-5 software — the most powerful software packages for 5-number lotto games. Powerful features were added, plus a far superior documentation. This is absolutely a must-have upgrade!
September 2, 2017
- SkipSystem, version 11.0
- Software categories 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5
- Software creates lottery, gambling systems based on skips (gaps between hits); it applies to many lottery, lotto games, plus horse racing, roulette, American football.
- Version 11.0 update sets the cut-off value strictly to a degree of certainty DC = 50%.
- Several systems were added, for straight play and also as valuable tools for the LIE Elimination strategies.
- The user can now create a positional system based on values of his/her choosing. The positional skip systems hit with a higher frequency.
- You might have created strategies based on skips that were calculated differently. I strongly recommend that you rename the previous version SkipSystemV9.exe before downloading. Open the File Explorer in Windows, right-click on the filename, then Rename; type over the new name.
- Download once to your default Download folder, then copy SkipSystem to each of the pertinent Bright / Ultimate software folders.
July 31, 2016
Special software packages were assembled for these multistate, gigantic-odds-huge-jackpots lottery games: Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions.
- Powerball
- Megamillions
- Euromillions
- Software category 5.1.
January 12, 2016
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