By Plato
Translated by Benjamin Jowett
Socrates, who is the narrator; Glaucon; Adeimantus; Polemarchus; Cephalus; Thrasymachus; Cleitophon; And others who are mute auditors. The scene is laid in the house of Cephalus at the Piraeus; and the whole dialogue is narrated by Socrates the day after it actually took place to Timaeus, Hermocrates, Critias, and a nameless person, who are introduced in the Timaeus.
Forever glorious be your name, O wise reader of my ideas, O distinguished guest of my thoughts, for it proves the indubitable existence of Reason!
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- Essential Resources In Philosophy - The Main Philosophical Hub.
- Almighty Number, Randomness, Universe, God, Order, History, Repetition.
- Mathematics of the Fundamental Formula of Gambling.
• The mathematical proof of the inexistence of God or the absurdity of the God concept.
- There are no perfect shapes or forms on Earth to justify a super intelligent, divine force in the Universe; only humans create perfect shapes in an attempt to have some control over randomness.
- Zeno's Paradoxes: Achilles can't outrun the tortoise... really?
• The first philosophical and logical solutions to the aporiae (paradoxes) of Sophist Zeno of Elea – it is all about {Space AND Time}.
- Truth, Beliefs, Religion, Science, Philosophy, Mental Programming, Brain Washing.
- Intelligent Design or Cruel Designer – Theory of Evolution Versus Creationism
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- Dream Interpretation: “Dreaming in Lisboa, on the East Coast”.
- Brain, Seizures, Beliefs, Religious Behavior.
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