Da Super Lotto Wheeler and Strategist

The Best Lotto Wheels for 9, 12, 18, 21 Numbers: 4-in-6 Minimum Guarantee
By Ion Saliu, Founder of Lottery Wheeling-Software Programming
Axiomatic one, I am not a big fan of the lotto wheels. Reason is, the abbreviated systems do just that: They abbreviate or reduce the chances of hitting the jackpot. The lottery wheels perform well when it comes to fulfilling the minimum guarantee. But it must be frustrating to have all 6 winners in your system (pool of numbers to play)... and lose the 6-number lotto jackpot!
I did recommend, however, a few lotto wheels I created myself! They offer a leverage superior to any reduced lottery systems out there. The numbers to play are grouped by frequency (e.g., pairs, triplets). Please read:
I present here the three recommended lotto wheels for 18 numbers, 4 in 6 minimum guarantee. The abbreviated lottery systems are analyzed statistically regarding the frequency of every number in the wheeling. The frequency describes the balance: a very important characteristic of a lottery wheel.
A good balance should assure that the system numbers are as evenly distributed as possible. The 9-number and 12-number systems I created by combinatorial mathematics are perfectly balanced. All pointers appear an equal number of times in the system. It was very hard to reach the same feast for 18 numbers, except for the 48-line system. Still, the wheels I publish here are the best-balanced lottery systems for 18 numbers.
The software to analyze the number frequency as you see here was superseded. The old-timers remember it as Util-6.exe, part of my 16-bit lottery software distributed in the 1980s and 1990s. O tempora! O mores! The replacement is known now as SoftwareLotto6.exe, or best known as Super Utilities (main menu of the Bright and Ultimate Software packages).
I. 18-Number Lotto Wheel in 45 Lines
Instead of the tedious and error-prone copy-and-paste procedure, download the wheel to your computer via right-click. If you click, the reduced system opens directly in your browser for viewing.
Each number appears at least 14 times and 17 times at most. The small spread denotes a really good balance. Each number is paired 5 or 6 times with another number (Hits most-drawn with). The worst-pairing for each number is a constant: 4 times. The small differences between the hits of the best pairing and the worst pairing (LEAST drawn with #) are also a sign of a good balance.
- This lottery wheel also guarantees 3 of 3 with a 96% degree of certainty. That is, if you pick correctly only 3 numbers, the system will give you one line with the 3 winners 96% of the time.
II. 18-Number Lotto Wheel in 48 Lines
The numbers are equally distributed: 16 times each. Each number is paired 6 times with another number (Hits most-drawn with). The worst-pairing for each number is also a constant: 4 times. It is a perfect balance. The small difference (2) between the hits of the best pairing and the worst pairing (LEAST drawn with #) is also a sign of an excellent balance.
- This is a workaround of the 45-line lotto wheel you just studied. It now guarantees 100% the condition 3 of 3. That is, if you pick correctly 3 numbers out of 18, the system will give you at least one line with the 3 winners.
- Even if you randomly pick 18 out of 49 numbers, you hit at least 3 winners once every 2 or 3 lottery drawings.
- Axios, I'll gift you three great lottery strategies based on this wheel. You might want to consider them, especially if you are in a syndicate (group of players). The systems require 3 * 48 lottery tickets, so there is a cost involved. The winning chance at winning big is greatly enhanced, however. Otherwise, you might want to play just one strategy at a time. Probably Strategy A is the best.
Three Strategies with the 18-number Lotto Wheel
A. Lottery Strategy Based on Frequency and Pairing
- Run FrequencyRank.exe to get the frequency report for your lotto game. You can do the reporting for the past 50 drawings or so.
- You see the best pairs in the Hits most drawn with header: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8.
- We exclude, however, #8 as it appears also in the group of the least frequent lotto numbers. We replace it by #6.
- Those lotto numbers will be your foundation picks: the most frequent lotto numbers.
- Here is a real-life example of the 6 most frequent lotto numbers: 1 5 12 27 31 36 (file Stats6.REP).
- In your Picks.txt file, you place such numbers in the respective positions (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); i.e., the first 6 positions in the file.
- On the main menu of the Bright / Ultimate software packages: Run function U = Super Utilities, then option F = Frequency reporting by number. Open your up-to-the date data file and accept the default range of analysis. In my case of a 49-number lotto game, the parpaluck (i.e., range of analysis) is 54.
- While in the same function U = Super Utilities, run now option 2 = Pairs rundown. The same data file, the same range of analysis (54 drawings).
- The program creates several files, including PAIRS6. It lists all lotto numbers and their respective pairings from the best to the worst.
- You fill the remaining positions with the top 2 pairings of the respective foundation picks.
- That is, positions 7 and 8 will be filled with the top-2 pairs of #1 (the most frequent lotto number in your analysis). The positions 9 and 10 will be filled with the top-2 pairs of #2 (the 2nd most frequent lotto number in your report); etc.
- If there are duplicates, move to the 3rd best pairing, where the case; or 4th best pair, or 5th, etc.
- Make sure you have exactly 18 unique numbers in your Picks.txt file.
- Here is a real-life file I named BestFreqPair6 (instead of Picks.txt since I work with three different strategies). I needed to delete several duplicates. The result was an input file with exactly 18 unique lotto numbers that serve as my picks:
- 1 5 12 27 31 36 19 23 14 24 9 43 4 38 7 44 10 39
B. Lottery Strategy Based on the Best Lotto Pairs
- While in the same function U = Super Utilities, you already ran option 2 = Pairs rundown. The program created several files, including Pairing6.SOR. It lists all lotto pairings in descending order, from the most frequent to the pairs with the worst frequency.
- I needed to copy and paste some 15 best pairings to get exactly 18 unique numbers. In my case, the top-3 pairs had one number in common:
- 1 12, 1 19, 1 25; I needed to delete #1 twice.
- Here is a real-life file I named BestPair6 (instead of Picks.txt since I work with three different strategies). I needed to delete several duplicates. The result was an input file with exactly 18 unique lotto numbers that serve as my picks applied to the 48-line lottery wheel. I also sorted the file (not necessary) to better notice the duplicates:
- 1 3 5 7 8 9 12 14 19 24 25 27 30 33 35 39 40 43
C. Lottery Strategy Based on the Best Lotto Triples
- While in the same function U = Super Utilities, you run now option 3 = Triplets rundown.
- Open your up-to-the date data file and accept the default range of analysis. In my case of a 49-number lotto game, the parpaluck applicable to triples (i.e., range of analysis) is 638 drawings. If your lotto game doesn't have such a long history, you might try to analyze some 300 draws. Or, use the D6 file instead (with real lottery draws on top of simulated drawings). In that case, you can apply the default parpaluck.
- The program creates several files, including Triple6.SOR. It lists all lotto triples in descending order, from the most frequent to the triplet with the worst frequency.
- I needed to copy and paste some 9-10 best trebles to get exactly 18 unique numbers. Of course, some triples always have repeated numbers.
- Here is a real-life file I named BestTrip6 (instead of Picks.txt since I work with three different strategies). I needed to delete several duplicates. The result was an input file with exactly 18 unique lotto numbers that serve as my picks. I also sorted the file (not necessary) to better notice the duplicates:
- 2 4 6 8 9 11 16 18 22 27 32 34 36 39 40 43 44 47
- Be mindful of the probability to win in a random selection of 18 numbers:
- 6 of 6 in 18 from 49: 1 in 753
- However, selecting lotto numbers based on skips can improve the odds by a factor of 7. Lottery strategies founded on number frequency and pairing are even more efficient.
- You can save the costs by compressing the time. You can go back some 100 drawings (approx. 750/7) in your history file (Data-6). Save the file as Data-6.2 Create the reports for frequency, pairings, and triplets with the new file.
- In U = Super Utilities, select option W = Check for Winners, then option 2 = Check groups of numbers. Check your three lotto-picks files, one at a time: BestFreqPair6, BestPair6, BestTrip6.
- Write down the most recent hit of: 6 of 6, if not, 5 of 6. The average of random selection is approximately 50. The situations may differ among the three files. Let's say, the most recent hits for the three pick files were: 40, 50, 60 drawings back, respectively.
- You will tweak your Data-6 file three times. Delete the last 40 draws and save as Data-6.21; use it with Strategy A. Delete 10 more drawings and save as Data-6.22 (i.e., deleting a total of 50 drawings from your latest Data-6 file); use it with Strategy B. Delete 10 more draws and save as Data-6.23 (i.e., deleting a total of 60 drawings from your latest Data-6 file); use it with Strategy C.
- These are only examples; you may register different figures.
- Mathematically and statistically, you should hit sooner 5 of 6, even 6 of 6.
- Still, the main drawback of lotto wheeling is always haunting the player. Even if you hit 6 of 6 in 18, you won't necessarily win the jackpot. The minimum guarantee occurs more frequently. Nevertheless, playing the best pairs or triples places the lotto numbers in more favorable situations to get together in groups that beat the minimum guarantee.
- Be sure to read the instructions regarding the LottoWheeler software.
- You might want also to read the info regarding FrequencyRank.exe, plus the pairing strategy, one of the pillars of this website.
- The Bright and Ultimate software packages embed all necessary information.
- Don't mention it!
III. 18-Number Lotto Wheel in 51 Lines
Each number appears at least 16 times and 19 times at most in 51 combinations. The small spread denotes a very good balance. Each number is paired 6 or 7 times with another number (Hits most-drawn with). The worst-pairing for each number hits 3 or 4 times. The small differences between the hits of the best pairing and the worst pairing (LEAST drawn with #) are also a sign of a good balance.
The balance always increases the chance of hitting the first prize since there is no bias toward certain numbers. There are pairings with more hits compared to the first lotto wheel. That factor also improves the degree of certainty DC of hitting the top lotto prize.
- This lotto wheel does not guarantee 3 of 3. It is strongly biased toward the 4 of n winning situations.
You can download these wheels and other systems from the freeware area of this grandiose site. Right-click to download; left-clicking will open the text files in your browser for viewing.
- Lottery Wheel: 9 numbers, 3 lines — Ion Saliu's first winning lotto system played in the United States
- Minimum assurance: 100% 4 if 6 and, better still, 4 if 5; 67% 3 in 3
- Combinatorial Lotto Wheel: 12 numbers, 6 tickets
- Minimum guarantee: 100% 4 if 6; 55% 3 in 3
- Also known as the perfect lotto wheel (possible only in 6-number lottery games; e.g., 6/49, 6-59)
- Perkis-LottoLogix Wheel: 18 numbers, 48 combinations
- Minimum assurance: 100% 4 if 6 and 3 of 3
- Perkis-LottoLogix Wheel: 21 numbers, 96 lines
- An abbreviated lottery system for 21 numbers for 6-number lotto games.
- Minimum guarantee: 100% 4 if 6 and 3 of 3
- Modified versions of the C strategy appear in the RGL lottery newsgroup. They apply to two different lotto wheels which have even better balances statistically.
- https://groups.google.com/g/rec.gambling.lottery/c/O6MrMoK0Pwg
- Super 18,6,4,6 42 Wheel. Scroll down till you see my strategies, plus the statistical reports (dated in the year of grace 2021).
- This is all you ever need to play wheels in 6-number lotto games.
- Do not go beyond 21 numbers. It is the limit of the cost-revenue balance. The 4 of 6 prize can cover the cost, plus it can offer a small profit.
- The best cost-profit balance is offered by the 12-number wheel I constructed by the combinatorial method of 4 3-number groups.
- The best reduced lottery systems to always consider are Saliu-Barbayev-type wheels. That is, for 12-numbers-in-6-lines and 18-numbers-in-48-tickets.
- The Saliu-Lotto-Wheel is characterized by all parameters being multiples of 3 and 6: 12-6, 18-48. By the same token, the 21-number wheel is not Saliu-Barbayev as 21 is not divisible by 6.
- You'll be best served by playing the two Saliu-Lotto-Wheels aforementioned. Furthermore, the 12-numbers-in-6-lines abbreviated system is the only perfect lotto wheel; the 6 combinations to play are very close to the odds of hitting 4 of 6 in 12 (1 in 5). The same odds are 1 in 19 for 18 numbers | 1 in 35 for 21 numbers. As you notice, the discrepancies grow (between the number of lines required and the odds expressed as 1 in N).
- On the other hand, there are more two 3-number groups when wheeling 21 lotto numbers compared to 18: 21 versus 15. The 21-number wheel consists of 7 groups, versus 6 groups in the case of wheeling 18 lotto numbers. C(7, 2) = 21; C(6, 2) = 15; the difference is 40% in favor of the 21-number wheel. A higher cost, for sure, but a significantly better chance for the big jackpot.
- The 3-number groups are crucial in improving the chance to hit the jackpot. If the 6 winning numbers in the drawing fall in any 2 groups, the player wins the lotto jackpot automatically!
And don't forget to download the best software for lottery wheeling: LottoWheeler. It easily, quickly and accurately converts the theoretical wheel to tickets based on your picks (your chosen lotto numbers for actual play). Don't do it manually (a.k.a. the rgl Kotkoduck-Perkis way). The paper-and-pencil method is prone to costly errors!
Resources in Lottery Software, Systems, Lotto Wheeling
It lists the main pages on the subject of lottery, lotto, software, wheels and systems.
- Lotto Wheels for Lotto Games Drawing 5, 6, 7 Numbers.
The most advanced theory of lotto wheels or reduced lottery systems. Get also original lotto wheels for lotto games drawing 5, 6, or 7 numbers: Balanced and randomized.
- The myth of Lotto Wheels, Abbreviated, Reduced Lottery Systems.
Statistical analysis of real lottery data proves the negative effect of playing static (unbalanced or split) lotto wheels.
- WHEEL-632 available as the Best On-The-Fly Wheeling Software — applies real lottery filtering.
- Software to Verify Lotto Wheels for missing combinations and generate lotto 5, 6 abbreviated (reduced) systems.
- Copyright Lottery Numbers, Combinations, Lotto Wheels, Mathematical Relations, Formulas, Equations.
- Balanced Lotto Wheels, Lexicographical Order Lottery Wheeling.
- Check WHEEL System, Lotto Wheels Winners.
- Powerball Wheels.
- Mega Millions Wheels.
- Euromillions Wheels.
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