Avoid Errors in Lotto, Lottery Strategy Software by Running the Latest Version
Posted by on Saliu on June 30, 2000.
In Reply to: Pesky error 62 in lotto strategy-checking software solved posted by Silex on June 30, 2000.
: Hi Ion,
: FYI, since my last posting I have duplicated the error-62 problem by using your Data-3 and your Sim-3 files (that are part of the Lotwon3 lottery software package that you recently made available) by inserting 998 in your Data-3 file.
: Anyways, I now solved the problem by following your latest suggestion to generate another SIM-3 file. I had to "simulate" 8200 drawings to make it work. Thank you for your kind help.
: Best regards,
: Silex.
• Can you do me a favor and send me your W3 files WHEN they created the error in STRAT3? There may still be something in SUPER-3. There may be also a problem in the file names:
SUPER-3 = as in SuperPower lottery software (lotwon99.zip v10.99.02)
SUPER3 = as in “Super Pick 3” (lotwon3).
Again, I advise you always stay in the same package; you can only use the data files from other versions or packages).
Ion Saliu
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- Lotto, Lottery Software, Excel Spreadsheets: Programming, Strategies.
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- MDIEditor Lotto WE: Tutorial, Software User Guide, Manual, Book, ebook.
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