Ion Saliu, royalty-name Parpaluck, founder of true blackjack mathematics, systems, charts painter

The Best Blackjack Basic Strategy in 3 Steps: Split Pairs, Double Down, Hit or Stand
All Blackjack Strategy Cards, Charts on One Page, in Action Color
By Ion Saliu, Founder of Blackjack Mathematics
0. The Best Introduction to Blackjack Basic Strategy
Thousands of people pay huge money to learn the blackjack basic strategy in all kinds of seminars or training by videos. You don't have to do that. Save your money for real play at casinos. Just learn, memorize, and apply the three color-coded tables in the recommended order. This is the only, therefore the best sequence of learning and applying the blackjack basic strategy to the casino table.
Do NOT gamble online: You will lose regardless how well you play, including perfect application of the blackjack basic strategy. Internet casinos cheat big-time! The software can do whatever the online gambling operators want it to. You can't see a thing!
All your decisions in blackjack should follow the three sequences listed below. Of course, you are, like every gambler out there, an independent mind. You have your own gambling strategy, including alterations of the basic strategy at the blackjack table. You must have had plenty of experiences in that tough environment. This is mostly for those blackjack players who never seemed to be able to grasp the basic strategy.
It is said that a majority of the gamblers do not have a grasp on blackjack basic strategy. It must be so because the training has been absolutely wrong. They put all the decisions in blackjack in one non-intuitive chart, a spreadsheet-like table that is very hard to memorize. I was NOT able to learn the blackjack basic strategy adequately from that one spreadsheet!
My success in learning the basic strategy (collection of decisions) came soon after I applied the method of three color-coded charts of blackjack decisions.
The main reasons
- Each decision table is consolidated. Instead of learning a multitude of individual parameters, they are grouped based on a common decision. For example, all 2-card hands less than or equal to 8 require a common decision: Hit (in the Stand/Hit table, chart). Or, all 2-card hands greater than or equal to 12 require Do not double down in the corresponding chart.
- Equally important, the main action is colored in red. The red color is known to have the strongest impression on human memory. The main (definitory) actions are: split, double-down, hit.
The average person will learn (near) perfectly the basic strategy in one week or so. It is guaranteed... and it is free. Follow these steps-
- #1: Split Pairs Table: If first two cards not applicable, move quickly to the next cheat sheet, #2;
- The first two cards of your hand must be the same for pair splitting to apply; e.g. 7 & 7, or J + J.
- Approximately 3% of 2-card hands should be legitimately split (78 total blackjack pairs, counting 10, J, Q, K as different; around 25 hands strongly recommended to be split). I do not recommend splitting Tens, especially when your initial bet is higher than the minimum. Not to mention, the casino will conclude immediately that you are a card-counter (might as well throw you out)!
- #2: Double Down Chart: If first two cards not applicable, move quickly to the last cheat sheet, #3;
- The first two cards of your hand must be as shown on the decision chart for doubling down to apply; e.g. the 2 cards sum up to 10 or 11, as 3 + 8; also, soft hands as Ace & 6.
- Around 8% of 2-card hands should be legitimately bet up (262 total total blackjack double-down configurations; 110 strongly recommended to be doubled down).
- #3: Hit (Draw) or Stand Cheat Sheet: A final decision must be made now; a basic strategy player will either stand (stay), or draw (hit the hand).
- If split pairs or double down did not apply to the first two cards, it must be either hit, or stand; some casinos offer the surrender option to the player (e.g. 15 or 16 against Dealer's up-card of 10 or Ace).
- Nota bene
The basic strategy is valid only with a constant initial bet. The player increases his/her wager only in the split and double-down situations. Moreover, the initial wager must be the table minimum bet. When the pitboss raises the table minimum limit, the players get frustrated and rightfully so; they should quit the table en masse.
- When your initial bet is higher than the minimum, do not double-down. You should hit. The losing probability is higher for doubling down compared to hitting. If your hit hand was successful, you already won more money compared to betting the minimum. But if you double-down and lose, your loss is bigger. It affects negatively your long-run expectation. Consequently, your bankroll will run out sooner, rather than later.
- It is imperative for the basic strategy player to understand that blackjack is a game of streaks. There will be situations when the player will reach a profit. He/she should leave that table if the profit is around 25% of the bankroll. When surviving longer at the same table, the blackjack player will benefit from a higher chance for a favorable (winning) streak and therefore a profit.
#1: Split-Pairs Table, Chart
- The recommended action is colored in red. The non-action is grayed out. For example, your first two cards are 9 & 9; the dealer face card is 6; the corresponding cell (square) is red: You split the pair. If the dealer up-card is 7, the cell is grayed out: You don't split, you move to the next chart (eventually to decision table #3).
- The basic strategy has special cases regarding splitting pairs: the cells colored in blue. They are applicable (action) only if the particular casino allows doubling down after split (DAS). For example: 4+4 and dealer's face card 5 or 6.
#2: Double-Down Chart, Table
- The recommended action is colored in red. The non-action is grayed out. For example, your first two cards are A & 7; the dealer face card is 6; the corresponding cell (square) is red: You double down. If the dealer face card is 8, the cell is grayed out: You don't double down, you move to the last decision chart (#3).
#3: Stand or Hit (Draw) Final Decision Table
- The recommended action is colored in red. The non-action is grayed out. For example, your first two cards are 9 & 7 (a total of 16); the dealer face card is 8; the corresponding cell (square) is red: You hit the hand (draw another card). If the dealer up-card is 4, the cell is grayed out: You don't hit (you stand).
4. Special Blackjack Advice, Tips
- Always stand on 17 or greater.
- Never split 10 + 10 or 5 + 5.
- Split A + A and 8 + 8 (unless you saw many large cards on the table
without counting).
- Do not take insurance unless you see very few 10-valued cards on the table (clearly fewer than 1 in 3).
- Buying insurance can be a favorable bet for all blackjack players under special circumstances if you saw certain amounts of Ten-valued cards in the round.
- Insuring your natural blackjack can be even worse than taking insurance on a stiff hand. It all depends on the amount of Tens and total cards remaining in the deck.
- See mathematical formulas to calculate house edge on insurance, probability, odds for blackjack, natural 21.
- Keep in mind, the insurance bet is not a big deal. The dealer gets a natural 21 about 5% of the time (once every 21 hands). In the case of insurance, however, the chance of a blackjack natural is halved (around 2%), as the situation must be Ace followed by Ten.
- Also importantly, the odds for a simultaneous natural for Dealer and Player are 0.2% (one in about 500 BJ hands).
When my bet is at the minimum, I play fancy sometimes and hit, even double, a 12 or 13 against dealer 5 or 6 only and only when I consider the probability be high to get a low card! I admit it, I had no choice but double up 12 against a dealer's 6 when the dealer made a serious error. The player prior to my hand was not a basic strategy player and stood on less than 11! The Asian dealer turned a 9 card, while the player had said "Stand!" Rocket science for this very Parpaluck, who doubled down and won (less than $50!!!) The morale: You should never, ever be ashamed if winning because of dealer's gross mistakes! Also, beware of dealers' tendency to cheat by miscounting. If that happens, you could win big time in courts of law! Always look closely at dealers' hands!
- The three blackjack strategy charts are graphics (split-pairs.gif, double-down.gif, hit-stand.gif). You cannot highlight, copy, then paste into a file. You might want, however, to right-click on each image and save to your computer. The images are totally free and non-copyrighted by anybody, although a link to this Web page would be highly appreciated.
- Right-click on each image to print the corresponding blackjack basic strategy (BS) chart. Always print in vivid color, axiomatico/axiomaticule!
- The most important aspect of gambling mathematics, casino gambling especially, is record keeping. The streaks are the most important parameter in gambling. The infamous gambler's fallacy is the only counterpoint employed by casinos: Player will lose forever... but not the house ever! You might want to do the real mathematics of blackjack streaks by running my probability software, Streaks.
- You can see a reduced version of my blackjack gambling system based on streaks, progressions. I call it blackjack mental system because the records are kept in memory (as in human brains). The full-version requires recordkeeping on paper. The casinos don't like it and they may take adverse measures if you open a notebook and start writing. Read one of my experiences: Casinos Bar, Ban Winning Gamblers, Skilled Players.
5. Blackjack: Software, Content, Resources, Systems, Basic Strategy, Card Counting
Click the link to visit a directory of pages and materials on the subject of blackjack, software, systems, basic strategy.
Of major interest: Blackjack; Charts, Tables, Probability, Odds, Software.
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