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Hostile Reaction by Casinos to the New Blackjack Dealer Bust Odds, Probability Calculations

By Ion Saliu, Founder of Blackjack Mathematics

Calculate the correct probabilities or odds at the blackjack game for the first time ever.

NO, the casinos couldn't resist reacting…once again! They should know by now that I don't get intimidated. Yet, they keep reacting every time I publish something of great importance. No doubt, my new research in calculating the blackjack odds of busting is ground-breaking. The new figures will surely have an impact on the game of blackjack. But that was not my main purpose. I always put the truth above anybody and anything. My main goal was mathematical, first and foremost.

I did receive before messages from the same geographical area. I believe there is a relation to the Connecticut casinos. The same type of reaction was also published on my message board, plus another message board dedicated to roulette. Even outside my sites, members figured out what the author's affiliation was. “You are definitely a casino guy,” one forum member posted. Now, there is also that hidden IP, as in local host. They try harder now to hide their tracks.

And look at the reaction regarding my statement that the casinos throw out primarily the players who lose big at one point. No chance to recover! It's money in the bank for the kasino! And look also at that stupidly hostile reaction. They make me a criminal by association! They compare me to the criminals who become their own lawyers while in jail!

And, oh, by the way. The third base does not mean the third seat at the table in order of dealing! The third base refers to the player in the last seat at the table, right before the blackjack dealer. Also, winning streak refers to the situation when the player has a positive balance. He has more money than his initial bankroll. Every player should always take advantage of swings in his favor. Take a break, then find another table...

There "she" goes! (I believe it was a he who "appealed" to the gentleman in me. That is, treat nicely a lady in an argument! NOT!! I am an egalitarian, after all.)

The new house edge in blackjack really really disturbs the casinos.

Of course, I responded exactly as "Pat", the bitchy bat, expected!

"I'm a criminal, huh? You don't think I know who sends me this type of venomous materials?! It's creatures like you, criminal 'bitch' paid by the Kasinos with the intent to intimidate. One more thing, rotten brain: The third base doesn't mean the third position at the table. Stupidiot in probability, you'll see me soon at a casino table near you!"

I believe she would die to have me in her bed, rather than at a casino table! Most women get madly attracted to a man who behaves in my manner…

The casinos react with hostility to the new blackjack dealer's bust odds, probability calculations by Ion Saliu in 2009.