Ion Saliu, Parpaluck, ParpalAxio: Da Super Gambling Systems Creator, Programmer, Fighter

Gambling Formula, Randomness, Norman Wattenberger, Abuse of Laws, Narcissism of Bogus Complaints
'Gambling Is Science': Adverse, Hostile Reactions to a Newsgroup Article
by Ion Saliu, Founder of Gambling Science
First captured by the WayBack Machine ( on October 16, 2006.
- I published an article in gambling and blackjack newsgroups (Usenet – rec.gambling.blackjack) in the year of grace 1999. The article was entitled Gambling Is a
Science. That was the point in time when the vicious attacks against yours truly started in earnest. I was attacked via email by an entity I had not known before that email flurry.
- Norman Wattenberger, an author and promoter of blackjack software, books, and online gambling simulation (Casino Vérité at, tried hard to silence me on the pretext that "random events cannot, by definition, be captured in formulae"! His main gambling theory is materialized in card counting software for the game of blackjack.
- Meanwhile, my theory exposes BJ card-counting as cult and big deception, fraud nowadays — counting cards in blackjack has no mathematical foundation. That constitutes another conflict of interests between the two of us (there are others in that hostile-toward-me-group, in addition to paranoid Norm Wattenburger). Only strong interests, financial especially, make some entities take such an adverse stand against mathematics.
- Still, indubitably, mathematics is at the foundation of gambling — the house advantage (HA) is precisely calculated mathematically via formulae! Problem is, the hate-yours-truly coalition Norman Wattenberger belongs to have no formulas to prove the advantage of card-counting — their bread-and-butter.
- Nothing exists without a formula. Just to mention, I even discovered a formula that calculates a player's advantage in buying blackjack insurance under precise circumstances. The caveat: The rarity of the event doesn't turn blackjack entirely in the players' favor — the unfavorable sequences are prevalent. Only The Best Casino Gambling Systems: Blackjack, Roulette, Limited Martingale Betting, Progressions can beat blackjack consistently — the streaks (W, L) are backed by mathematics and inarguable formulae.
Norman Wattenberger started firing at me hostile email messages immediately thereafter. His harassing emails served the purpose of intimidating me. He labelled me “CON MAN” expecting me to get intimidated and withdraw my theory from public view. Later on, the hostile reactions and threats against me followed from a bunch of casino agents and moles. I will mention on this page the most notorious hostile acts: John Schroder (MGM Grand Casino chairman), John Patrick (gambling author and on casino payroll), Wizard of Odds (Mike Shackleford, casino consultant). This is the period late 1990s – early 2000s.
The Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG) is a name I coined, a formula that I developed from works starting with Pascal and de Moivre. FFG started wildfires in the gambling community! When I published FFG, I did not mention any person or entity. The formula was pure mathematics, nothing personal!
Casino executives and consultants, gambling authors (both of systems and books), lottery software developers, were rattled, however! Everybody's reaction toward the Fundamental Formula of Gambling was complete denigration. The formula was against the “rulings” of the infamous gambler's fallacy — which is nothing but a mathematical absurdity!
My new theories in probability and gambling conflicted with various interests right from the start. For one, the casinos do not want gamblers who can use mathematics to their advantage. The casinos are interested in gamblers who play fast, without thinking much. Some gambling authors do not want theories that raise doubts about their theories.
Norman Wattenberger point of anger was also the soon-to-become-famous Fundamental Formula of Gambling. He angrily messaged to me:
- ”You have shown ZERO proof that your 'formula' has any merit. So what is there to argue against?”
Argue?! With whom? Again, I had never heard of the sender before that particular email. I still replied — with solid facts, true facts.
- ”Ask in university campuses around the world about the validity of my formula. It embodies undeniable mathematics, theory of probability at its best. Also, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) included my software in their database. It will be checked against any new patent applications in related fields, such as lottery, gambling, mathematics, statistics, probability theory.”
And that's when he burst... out of proportions! Even in the year of grace 2014, persons with an interest in gambling mock him for the following idiotic statement he made (secretly in his intention but published by yours truly):
- ”You simply do not understand the meaning of random: If it can be formulized, it is not random.”
My response in this regard has always attracted adverse reaction, hostility from those casino executives and consultants, gambling authors, lottery software developers. I mention that even representatives of the academia disagree with my fundamental principle of randomness.
- ”What's not random, Norm? The entire Universe is ruled by RANDOMNESS. There is no absolute certainty in the entire Universe. There is a branch of science named theory of probability which studies random events using a plethora of formulae. For example, the FORMULA to get four heads consecutively is p = 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/16. I took a simplest of formulas, for your brain to comprehend :)”
At that statement I made, Norman Wattenberger went berserk! He even involved a bunch of gambling authors, all very much into the gambler's fallacy bedlam :)
- ”This is a flat out lie. Every, and I mean, every mathematic study of gambling states that this is nonsense. Read anything by Thorp, Wong, Schlesinger, Humble, Snyder, Carlson, Chambliss, Vancura, Fuchs, Anderson, Griffin, Uston. Every one of them will tell you random events cannot, by definition, be captured in formulae. This is, in fact, the definition of random. You are either a con man or an idiot.”
- And I sez: Such mathematicians! “The mathematician without a formula is like the wagon without a horse: The clouds will shade, the sun will blade, the rain will degrade, the snow will fade… out.”
Norman Wattenberger couldn't stop sending me hostile messages. I thought I cooled him down by declaring that his behavior was insane and I would possibly take adverse action.
Ultimately, more often than not, individuals of this type have their own gambling or lottery systems — albeit they publicly fight the validity of such systems! Their main concern is to keep the attention away from Ion Saliu's creations. What a curious disease jealousy is when etched on a bloated ego and seeded in a deep complex of inferiority! It is a pathetic mixture of hypocrisy and schizophrenia!
At the same time, the casinos and their interested agents have an adverse reaction to mathematics, probability theory applied to gambling: They want mindless casino gambling players. There is a mathematical reason for that: Too many consistent winners would certainly bankrupt the casinos. Not to mention that a majority of casinos are bankrupt anyway (speaking of the period 2008-2010)!
- Hey you, if my theories were so bad — why bother bending the laws and attacking me secretly? You simply believe I fall victim to intimidation? NOT! If you have issues with my ideas, criticize them publicly. Casino executives and other gambling authors have done so in several public places — virulently, more often than not. Express your freedom of speech, but don't bend the law by attacking me secretly for the purpose of intimidation!
- Still, there is another ardent question, axiomatic ones. Even if it is publicly, why do them casino executives, gambling authors attack me so unequivocally?
- Because, on the other hand, the executives, moles, furious consultants, jealous and furious gambling authors — all the bedlam — go to bed together! The casinos even make expensive movies about so-called “illegally winning” gambling systems such as blackjack card-counting! Developers and vendors of blackjack card counting systems testify in favor of casinos in lawsuits against... card counters! Did I hear anyone say bedlam? BRRRRRRRRAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
"I received a phone call
From one who claimed was tall.
Then, he cursed me even worse
For my gambling on the horse."
Editor's Notes - May 2010, March-April 2014
- Norman Wattenberger went silent for many years after that cyber-skirmish we "fought". He resurfaced in 2008 with another threatening email. He claimed that this very Web page violated his copyrights by revealing the nature of his emails! You send me abusive email and you threaten me not to expose your intimidating message?! You must be insane... which Norm really is!
- The compulsive-obsessive Norm Wattenberger could not live while this very article of mine being online. He complained to my Web hosts on the basis of copyright infringement! He intentionally confused privacy for copyright infringement.
- Privacy, in his mind-altered view, refers to unsolicited emails — there is no privacy there. I am not legally obligated to keep such messages secret or private — I may expose them publicly if I choose. It is not even immoral on my part to reveal unsolicited emails. In fact, it is immoral on sender's part to send abusive, invasive emails — not to mention illegal.
- Copyright infringement refers to a published material — Norman Wattenberger has never had a published creation that this very Web page infringed upon. I only rebut here the absurdities in his fuming messages.
- Of course, no court of law would accept such childish acts — bogus copyright infringement complaints — caused by a bruised overly-bloated ego. There are absolutely no legal grounds for such cases. I simply exercised my freedom of speech, while quoting a few fragments from the emails of a stupid gambling author I call Norm Wattenberger. That's my opinion expressed in good faith. Idiot is protected by freedom of speech; CON MAN is NOT if the individual (Ion Saliu) was never charged in CONning crimes.
- Norman Wattenberger has proven a pattern of disruptive behavior in other cases as well. It became widespread knowledge that Norman Wattenberger's “legal complaints” were nothing but expression of narcissism. He does NOT accept anything negative about him expressed publicly. His behavior and state of mind are notorious all over the cyber world of gambling — he is relentless and rabidly-vociferous!
- In 2013, this very Web page of mine and a thread in Zengrifter's forums jumped to the first page of Google searches on Norman Wattenberger. That's what rattled Norman Wattenberger the worst!
- He spilled his reaction over to Google Webmaster Central in 2013. He wanted Zengrifter's thread to be removed from all Google search results! Incredible — only a negligible percentage of persons make such impossible requests! The search engines do not change the algorithms just to please a bitter person or two!
- Norman Wattenberger had a fear-the-law experience. He realized most people understood the real motive for Norm's filing all kinds of legal complaints. His harassing actions had nothing to do with copyright infringement — they were triggered by negative opinions on him! The LAW considers such complaints as acting in bad faith and making false statements under oath. The complainant of copyright infringement, states under penalty of perjury to represent the true facts. Thusly, Norman Wattenberger wiped off another one of his tracks. He removed his complaint posted in one of the forums at Google Webmaster Central! It is true (but it is also true there are screenshots available, plus Google archives!)!topic/webmasters/jKRUyXMJuB0
“Removal of offensive images and search results”
“This message has been deleted.”
- I posted in two threads at the so-called Zen Zone forum (I am not Zen or in any of things like that):
- In April of 2014, Norman Wattenberger bombarded me via email with cease and desist letters — while my entire website was offline because of his intentionally-false complaint! Some messages go to the extreme in threatening me (also falsely accusing another person, Zengrifter, of currently being a criminal):
- “You have committed criminal perjury upon the advice of a convicted criminal. Marcus Dalton has spent his entire life conning people and does not care what happens to you or anyone else. He enjoys visiting harm on others. Be advised that I shall hold you liable for all costs related to enforcing my intellectual property rights as described in Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”
- Question begs for an answer: “Why would him Norm Wattaburger complain, ridiculously including the United Nations? This debacle significantly served him, as far as name recognition is concerned.” The Google query on his name (exact match) — norman wattenberger — is still not popular — it is at least 20 times less popular than the ion saliu search query. Yet, the norman wattenberger search query is now two to five times more popular than before this crazy action started!
- Not to mention that most search queries now have been triggered by the ZenZone forum, where this Cyber War started, for the most part. Two former friends (in the card counting cult) collided as new enemies.
- Parpaluck, Your Humble Zen-Musician, plus Gambling System Innovator — and some other threads, especially in the Voodka section uvda the forums.
- Them bruised overly-bloated egos love to “relegate” me to what they believe is “negative stuff”... but I prove that negative of negative is always positive! When afflicted idiots throw mud at you, it is a definite positive — be proud of yourself! History has always crawled this way, despite gods, kings, inquisitions — or the laughing fools...
- NO doubt, I did a great favor to this always-fuming-and-manic-depressed narcissist — I enhanced the popularity of his name and Internet properties!
- SALIU.COM Top Search Queries 2014/07/02-2014/08/01 — honest, true facts, scintillatingly axiomatic fellows of mine... Why would one fear the law, or anything else, for that matter, for publishing TRUE facts?!
“A trustworthy man is an axiomatic man; an axiomatic man is a good man. Be axiomatic, Homo Sapiens!” – Ion Saliu Axiomaticus, 3:14, 6:18
The image above was taken soon after my website came back to life (April 2014). Things improved and more valuable search queries came to the forefront. The norman wattenberger query dropped to position #83 (from #9 previously) in the 4,203 a month Google searches that referred visitors to SALIU.COM (January 25, 2015). Still the query on crazy norm shows an increase in impressions, from 40 to 52. Bravo! Currently (January 2016), the norman wattenberger query dropped to positions below 300 (from over 15,000 Google search clicks), in the same range as john patrick gambler queries. N0rm Watterburger must be fuming again at the boiling point of manic depression!
See also my new “forum”:
New SALIU.COM Forums Index.
You can read with great interest a similar legal case of BOGUS COPYRIGHT TAKEDOWN (Lawrence Lessig v. Liberation Music):
Here is the software that calculates the FAMOUS FORMULA that has caused all the “fighting” in Cyber World: SuperFormula. The first function is named F = FFG from p and DC. It calculates the number of trial N for an event of probability p to appear with a degree of certainty DC.
Read Ion Saliu's first book in print: Probability Theory, Live!
~ Discover profound scientific — and legal — implications of the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG), including mathematics, formulas, gambling, casino, streaks, systems, card-counting deception in blackjack.
Weirdo Norman Wattenberger, the Fake Gandhi residing at The Mote in God's Eye —
- Norm is Norman Wattenberger's user name in his paid-membership forums. Evidently, his profile picture does not represent him. The photo depicts the late, great Mahatma Gandhi. The Gandhi Estate owns the rights to all pictures representing the great humanist and politician. Needless to say, Norm Wattenberger never gives due credit; he most likely never asked for permission for fair use!
- The name of Location is stolen from the title of a book written and published by two different authors — due credit never given by N0rm.
- One of the signatures used by Norm Watt (the false name Wattenberger uses on Facebook in violation of the FB terms of service): "No one is born hating another person." Norm never gives credit to the true author of the meaningful adagio: The late, great Nelson Mandela.
- Another signature used by Norm Watt, the spoof of a real man with real children, used on Facebook to attack me, viciously yet again: "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." Norm Wattenberger, yet again, does not give credit. The quotation is stolen from the famous film "The Wizard of Oz". Under the false name, he accused me on Facebook that I "have caused irreparable damage to the lives of people who have fallen for [my] scams"!
- That "Wizard of Oz" reference is also a typical Freudian slip of tongue applicable to card counting. Like the Wizard in the film, blackjack card-counting is also a fake. A man hidden behind a curtain faked the existence of a wizard. Likewise, the BJ card counting software fakes an "advantage" for card counters. But, hey, players, do NOT pay attention to that programmer behind the software curtain — who does a lot of tricks!
- "Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?" – from The Bible… speaking of copyright infringement… hypocrisy! Hypocrisy is typical of the lowest skumbullows — the sickest and most despicable individuals.
- Hypocrisy and crime are two different beasts, however. What counts here is criminality: harassment and disruption of business. Norman Wattenberger, acting as the representative of qfit, has engaged in similar disruptive and harassing actions against, at least, five forums in the gambling area (as of 2017). In one case, it was reported that our abnormal Norm sent to one forum owner 19 legally-threatening emails in 24 hours! He definitely abuses the loose provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
- Norman Wattenberger knowingly commits perjury when claiming copyright infringement for materials he never published! Unfortunately, many webmasters do not check the validity of copyright-infringement complaints and simply succumb to the fiery requests of deranged individuals, bullies and narcissists especially.
- As for his "emails and privacy issue": I never asked him to email to me and we never signed a non-disclosure agreement. In fact, Norman Wattenberger's emails qualify as harassing, therefore unlawful.
- Norman Wattenberger/qfit should be the target of serious criminal complaints filed with the FBI, Attorney General of the State of New York (where he resides, in the United Nations Plaza), local Attorneys General of the victimized forums/publishers/authors. Civil lawsuits against Norman Wattenberger/qfit would result in financial losses for the plaintiffs as our abnormal Norm would have no sufficient assets to pay for damages and attorney's fees. As he normally does, he would even resort to his ultimate threat/blackmail: "You are killing me... and I'll hold you responsible!" Nonetheless, enough is enough: This cyber cancer must be stopped.
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