First Site of SOFTWARE for Lotto, Lottery, Gambling, Roulette, Blackjack, Horse Racing, Sports Betting
By Ion Saliu, First Lottery Software Developer
I only wanted to make use of the Web space provided by my Internet Service Provider (ISP, in 1997). The Web site I created at pa.net turned out to be quite popular in the search engines. The traffic kept growing and growing... O tempora! O mores!
On the other hand, my ISP is not a dedicated web hosting service. I didn't think it was fair for my site turning heavy traffic to an ISP. Therefore, I decided to move the pages to my specially created Web site: SALIU.COM. That's the place where you need to be:
Socrates, Philosophy, Science, Software, Gambling, Lotto, Lottery.
The footer of this page directs to the most significant resources on this grandiose website.
The following are the addresses of the pages previously hosted here.
The Main Hub:
BEST OF: Lotto, Lottery, Gambling, Roulette, Blackjack, Sports Betting, Software, Probability, Odds.
Lottery, Software
A list of the best links, resources regarding lottery, loterie, loteria - systems, strategies, software.
Lotto, Software
A list of the best links, resources regarding lotto, loto - lotto wheels, systems, strategies, software.
A list of the best links, resources regarding gambling mathematics, theory of probability, theory of games, systems, strategies, software.
A list of the best links, resources regarding the casino game of blackjack - basic strategy, card counting, mathematics, probability, odds, systems, strategies.
A list of the best links, resources regarding the casino game of roulette, ruleta - mathematics of roulette, probability, odds, roulette systems and strategies, roulette software.
Sports Betting, Sport, Bet
A list of the best links, resources regarding sport betting, sports - football, NFL, soccer, calcio, mathematics of sports betting, probability, odds, sport betting systems and strategies, sports betting software.
A Random Number Generator Is Much Better Than Most Lottery, Lotto, Gambling Systems, Software.
Download Tons of Lotto, Lottery, Gambling, Sports Betting Software.
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