Better Lottery Software: Lotto Wheel Generator or Full (Lexicographic) Combination Generator?
Full Wheels is an Oxymoron, a Contradiction in Terms
By Ion Saliu, Founder of Lotto Wheeling Mathematics
In Reply to: "Lotto wheeling software?" posted by Scrooge on November 09, 2000.
: Hi Ion,
: I'm using your LotWon99 lotto software and am just wondering which type of combination generator do you prefer? The free combs generator or wheel?
: Regards,
: Scrooge
Author's answer
WHEEL is a better choice than Power, or MDIEditor Lotto.
1) The software generates a reduced number of lotto combinations with no duplicates.
2) You can run Wheel for shorter periods of time to reach the FFG median zone (where the winning combinations fall most of the time).
3) WHEEL generates reduced or abbreviated lotto systems that meet minimum guarantees; they are known as lotto wheels or lottery wheels.
There is a limited number of unique abbreviated systems in a lotto game. For example, the 6-49 lotto game has some 750 4 out of 6 reduced systems. The probability to get the winning system (jackpot) in the first run, or the 2nd run, or the 100th run is low. It gradually increases towards the median.
Read more on other pages here regarding lottery filters, lotto wheeling, etc. You will find also a special resource. It is the destination of a Google search such as "the best lottery wheels in the world". The material has everything you'll ever need with regards lotto wheels to play in 6-number games.
The latest:
Running the lottery programs hundreds of times in random generating mode makes a real difference. Better still, download and install Bright / Ultimate Software packages, the newest applications for many lotto games worldwide (you provide as many drawing-results-files as you want or have available — free on the Internet). Lexicographical combination generating with the latest filters is the most powerful method in lottery wheeling.
Resources in Lottery Software, Systems, Lotto Wheeling
Lists the main pages on the subject of lottery software, lotto wheels, strategies, reduced systems.
- Download lottery, lotto wheel software:
- Wheel-632, Wheel-532, the best on-the-fly wheeling software; applies real lottery filtering.
~ Superseded by the most powerful integrated packages Bright and, especially, the Ultimate Software lotto apps.
- Combinations, the universal combinations generator for any lotto, Keno, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions;
- LexicoWheels, generator of lotto wheels based on lexicographical indexing; applies to any lotto, Keno, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions or two-in-one lotto games.
WheelCheck5, WheelCheck6, software to verify lotto wheels for missing combinations and generate lotto-5 and lotto6 systems.
- LottoWheeler, free lottery wheeling software: fill out lotto wheels with player lotto numbers. Supersedes the old-time favorite FillWheel (still offered). The two pieces of software replace the theoretical numbers in the SYS/WHEEL files by your picks (the lotto numbers you want to play).
- Shuffle, SuperFormula to shuffle (randomize, randomly arrange) your lotto picks. Repeat the randomizing procedure several times. The randomized wheels can be used directly, without shuffling your lottery picks first.
- The Main Lotto, Lottery, Software, Strategy, Wheeling Page.
Presenting software to create free winning lotto, lottery strategies, systems based on mathematics. Get your lotto systems or wheels, the best lottery, lotto software, combinations, winning numbers.
- Lotto wheels for lotto games drawing 5, 6, or 7 numbers.
The most advanced theory of lotto wheels or reduced lottery systems. Get also original lotto wheels for lotto games drawing 5, 6, or 7 numbers: Balanced, randomized, and free.
- The myth of lotto wheels or abbreviated lotto systems.
Statistical analysis of real lottery data proves the negative effect of playing static (unbalanced or split) lotto wheels.
- WHEEL-632 available as lotto wheeling software — the best on-the-fly wheeling software; applies real lottery filtering.
- Free lottery software for players of lotto wheels: Fill out lotto wheels with player's picks (numbers to play).
- Software to verify lotto wheels for missing combinations and generate lotto 5, 6 abbreviated (reduced) systems.
- Wheels, balanced lotto wheels, lexicographic order, index, number set.
- Check WHEEL, lotto wheels for winners.
- Genuine Powerball wheels.
- Genuine Mega Millions wheels.
- Genuine Euromillions wheels.
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