Archive #10: World Message Board, Forum
Programming Software to Generate Random Numbers, Words
- Error Fixes in Bright Software: Strategy-5, Strategy-6; Still No New Software for Sale or Distribution - April 7 & 15, 2006.
- Before I put down more words, I want every BRIGHT software user to know that I just corrected the severe errors in Strategy5 and Strategy6 lotto software. Download the two lotto programs as soon as you can. The error handling is far better.
- Acts of Hostility (Piracy, Site Snatching, Virus Attacks) Targeted at Ion Saliu and SALIU.COM - August 18, 2005; July 23, 2006.
- Revealing acts of hostility (piracy, site snatching, virus attacks, etc.) targeted at Ion Saliu and web site saliu.com.
- Zeno's Paradox: Achilles, Tortoise - June 16, 18, 19, 2005.
- Zeno of Elea is a pre-Socratic philosopher (Sophist) famous for his aporias or riddles, paradoxes, puzzles: apparently logical arguments leading to false conclusions. Zeno's paradoxes represent examples of absurdity. Zenon's paradoxes had been wrongly admired for millenia as brilliant arguing.
- Lottery Utility Software: Pick-3, 4 Lottery, Lotto-5, 6, Powerball, Mega Millions, Thunderball, Euromillions - June 16, 2005.
- New software, utilities for lotto, lottery, pick 3, pick 4, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Thunderball to make every user a winner. Great pair utilities and combination generators.
- Lottery Strategy in Reverse: Not-to-Win Leads to Not-to-Lose - June 18, 2004; updated November 10, 2004.
- Since missing is more frequent than hitting in lottery and lotto, we can reverse the strategy: Intentionally set lotto or lottery filters that will not win.
- Documentation, Help: MDIEditor Lotto WE, Lottery Software, Strategy Tutorial - November 10, 2003.
- The best, most comprehensive, totally scientific software for lotto, lottery, Powerball, Keno, gambling, horse racing: MDIEditor and Lotto, version 4 WE.
- Randomizing: An Art of Scientific Philosophy, Science of Philosophical Art, Philosophy of Artistic Science, Art of Philosophical Science, Science of Artistic Philosophy, Philosophy of Scientific Art - March 9, 2005.
- The computers can generate true random numbers if the software uses good randomizing functions such as Ion Saliu's random number generator. Only Randomness is Almighty.
- The Best Online Random Numbers, Combination Generator, Including Any Lotto, Lottery - March 9, 2005.
- The best, most comprehensive online lottery, lotto, gambling, roulette, keno, Powerball, Mega Millions, sports, horse-racing random number combinations, numbers generator.
- WRITER—Computer program that writes random words and sentences and textbooks and anthems! - November 28, 2003; Zeosgik otoloknec Pi miozaf webw an 11/29/03.
- WRITER is a computer program that randomly generates words, phrases and sentences. The words are of variable length; the sentences (or passwords) are of variable length.
- Generate a wide variety of combinations inside the FFG median bell: pick lotteries, lotto, horse racing, roulette, sports betting, soccer pools 1x2 - March 9, 2005.
- Combination generating software & probability, statistics calculator: standard deviation, binomial distribution, Gauss curve, normal distribution, odds, median. Combinations in the bell curve.
- UTIL-5/6/3/4/horses - New software utilities for lotto, lottery, gambling, Powerball, Mega Millions - July 15, 2004.
- New software, utilities for lotto, lottery, gambling, loterie, loteria, Powerball, Mega Millions to make every user a winner.
- FORMULA, SuperFormula, Shuffle: The Definitive Probability, Statistics, And Gambling Software
- Ion Saliu 10/26/02; revised 05/22/04.
- Programming 'Super Formula' software: gambling, probability, statistical calculations -- standard deviation, binomial distribution, Gauss curve, normal distribution, odds, median, mean, average, sum.
- Presidential elections, God, gay marriage, civil rights - February 29, 2004.
- God, gay marriage, civil rights, religion, democracy are red-hot issues in the 2004, 2008 presidential campaign in the United States of America, held every four years (Olympic years).
- Winston Churchill – A Dream Of Winning In The Irish Pub - January 25, 2004.
- This is a very interesting clear dream of Winston Churchill in the Irish Pub in the gambling Mecca of Atlantic City. It is about winning against all odds.
- Basics of a lottery strategy - December 26, 2003
- Strategy in lotto, lottery is a complex method of selecting filter values as in Ion Saliu's lottery software, lotto software. Even odd, low, high, sums, sum totals in lotto, lottery.
- The Philosophical Science Of Prediction And History - September 17, 2003.
- The philosophical science of prediction considers the Fundamental Formula of Gambling and the Fear Survival system in determining the history events most likely to come to life.
- The Casino Control Commission rules that skilled players may be discriminated against with impunity - 10/10/03.
- The Casino Control Commission of New Jersey ruled that skilled players may be discriminated against with impunity by the Atlantic City casinos. Violation of rulings by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
- Lawyers & Opinions at Lawyers.com - 10/16/03.
- The Casino Control Commission of New Jersey ruled that skilled players may be discriminated against with impunity by the Atlantic City casinos. Lawyers & Opinions at Lawyers.com.
- Easier to violate the law by Big-Money - 10/18/03.
- The Casino Control Commission of New Jersey ruled that skilled players may be discriminated against with impunity by the Atlantic City casinos. Lawyers & Opinions at Lawyers.com.
- The Lotto Wonder Grid Revisited: New Lottery Pairing Research - June 17 & 26, 2003.
- The wonder grid is the most potent lotto, lottery strategy. It consists of the lotto numbers and their top pairings (pairs). The wonder grid beats random play by more than 3 standard deviation.
- Online Odds, Probability Calculator: Lotto, Powerball, Lottery, Horse Races, Roulette, Sports Betting, Soccer Pools 1X2
- June 4, 2003.
- The best most powerful most comprehensive online calculator for lottery, lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions, gambling, roulette, keno, sport betting, horseracing, Euro Millions, soccer pools.
- Dream Interpretation: Dreaming in Lisboa, On The East Coast - May 22, 2003.
- Dreaming is a function of the Fear and Survival system. Dream interpretation is valid on a personal basis only: Determined by individual concerns.
- Brain waves, mind, communication, body language, behavior - May 12, 2003.
- Are humans communicating secretly via brain waves or body language? The Fear and Survival system offers the best explanation on brain waves.
- Dramatically Increasing Web Internet Traffic, Dramatic Changes On The Way; Software Upgrades - February 19, 2003 - revised February 22, 2003.
- Ion Saliu's web site www.saliu.com has experienced a surge in Internet traffic beginning 2003. The operation is more expensive, requiring policy changes.
- The universal combinations generator for any lotto, Keno, Powerball game: N numbers taken M at a time, in K steps
- 19 February 2003.
- Free software to generate combinations for all lotto, Keno, Powerball, Mega Millions, loto, loterie, loteria games: N numbers taken M at a time, in K steps at user's choice.
- FORMULA: The Definitive Probability and Gambling Software - Ion Saliu 10/26/02; revised 01/25/03.
- Programming 'Super Formula' software: gambling, probability, statistical calculations: standard deviation, binomial distribution, Gauss curve, normal distribution, odds, median, mean, average, sum.
- Standard Deviation, Variance, Fluctuation, Volatility, Variation, Median, Mean Average. - Ion Saliu - 10/05/03.
- Standard deviation, variance, variability, fluctuation, volatility, dispersion, spread, variation: standard deviation, mean, average, median, sum. Get free formulas, calculations plus software.
- Suspicion is mother of the intellect; Markov chains - 01/10/03.
- Markov chains analysis, gambling, theory of games, theory of probability, computer programming, software. The Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG) is the most precise gambling instrument, far more accurate than Markov chains.
- The Best in Lottery, Lotto Wheeling: WHEEL632 and SUPER632 available as freeware - Ion Saliu 11/1/02.
- The 32-bit WHEEL_632 and SUPER_632 lotto software available as freeware. Generate lotto, lottery, loto, loterie wheels from 3 of 6 to 6 of 6 using powerful lottery filters and reports.
- The myth of lotto wheels or abbreviated lotto systems - 07/21/02.
- The lotto wheels, abbreviated (reduced) systems are simple myths. The lotto wheels accelerate net loss to harm players. Lotto Wheeling must be done cautiously.
- Fundamental Formula of Lotto Wheeling - 01/03/03 WE.
- The best method of wheeling all lotto numbers is to play the last N draws; N is equal to the odds of winning the respective lotto prize.
- Wheels, balanced lotto wheels, lexicographical order, index, number set - 08/03/03 WE.
- The lotto wheels reduced lotto systems are flawed. Wheels disregard lottery randomness and symmetrical (balanced) lexicographical order. Ion Saliu's software is the way to go in lottery wheeling.
- The best free lotto 5, lotto 6, lotto 7 wheels, reduced systems: balanced and randomized - 09/03/03 WE
- The best lotto wheels (5, 6, 7 numbers) are balanced and randomized. Available as free downloads, plus other lotto, lottery, and wheeling freeware.
- Software to verify lotto wheels for missing combinations and generate lotto-6, 5 systems - September 9, 2004.
- Doanload and run free software, freeware to verify lotto wheels for missing combinations and generate lotto (5 and 6 numbers) systems.
- Combination Rank Index Lexicographical Order: THE Comprehensive and Fast Algorithm - 07/04/02.
- Mathematics, algorithm, formula, software, code to generate, calculate combination lexicographical order, index, rank, sequence, ordering.
- Copyright © lotto, lottery numbers, combinations, wheels, mathematical relations, formulae, equations - 11/08/02.
- Legal matters, issues of copyright: lotto, lottery, gambling numbers, combinations, wheels, mathematical relations, formulae, equations.
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