Archive #8: World Message Board, Forum
Best Lottery Strategy Software Is Lotto Wonder Grid
- Cool stories of the Truth
- 08/18/01
- The Science of Winning: Based on Ion Saliu's Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG), rooted in Ion Saliu's philosophy. The Truth and a new mythology...just a story in a mythical manner.
- UTIL-6 Lotto Software Test
- Nik Barker 08/17/01.
- The best software to win the lottery, entirely based on mathematics theory of probability. It can abe applied to any lottery in the world, including UK 6 of 49 lotto game.
- The "holy grail" of lottery number selection - (South African) 08/18/01
- The best software to win the lotto & lottery, entirely based on mathematics, theory of probability, logic. It's about the science of streaks and skips, winning and losing.
- Lottery Pairs System, Lotto Pair Strategy - Ion Saliu Parpaluck 07/25/01
- The most useful capability of the new UTIL-632 lotto software is related to what I called in a previous post the "wonder-grid". I also call it the "magical wheel" - for there is no better method of "wheeling" lotto numbers. I briefly presented the strategy in my post "Re: An experiment in mutual cooperation/A 'wonder' lotto strategy?" The idea is to play every lotto number plus its 'top five pairings'.
- Create great software for lotto, lottery gambling: Put reason ahead of emotions. - 07/27/01
- Most of our formal education is a waste (of time and mental resources). Our formal education earned its money, however, if we learned to always put reason before emotions in searching the truth. Emotions get in our way frequently.
- Lotto wonder-grid options - 07/28/01
- If your lottery method is really a good one, any lotto player playing by it would win more than the odds. Really I'd like to know which results you get with this test. I know your lottery software is free and I can do by myself.
- Lotto grid does wonders: HOLD THE PRESSES!! - DEZ 07/28/01
- The best software to win the lottery, entirely based on mathematics theory of probability logic science - created by Ion Saliu, the greatest lottery software developer.
- Worst-case scenarios in lotto grid - 07/31/01 - revised March 10, 2002.
- I checked the 39 lotto-5 combinations in BEST5.2 against the first (top) 20 drawings in PA Lottery. The top 20 lotto 5/39 draws in PA-5 act like 'future drawingss', because BEST5.2 has no relation to them. I got a far better results than yours: 2 2nd prizes and 12 3rd lotto prize winners.
- Pick-3 lottery strategy by DEZ
- 07/21/01
- A powerful pick-3 lottery strategy devised by DEZ - an expert lottery player and LotWon lotto software user.
- Lottery pick-3 strategy system super software - DEZ 07/12/01
- In the Illinois Lotto, 20 times in the last 360+ drawings, the lowest lotto number in that draw was > = 20. In other words, approx. 1 in 18 lottery draws this occurred.
- Re: Lotto pick-3 strategy system software - DEZ 07/18/01
- Lotto 6/49 drawings with a sum < 100 don't happen very often. That's why we need lottery players like you and a couple of others who responded to check out their respective lottos for strategies.
- Re: Lottery pick-3 strategy systems software - DEZ 07/17/01
- The sum of the winning lotto combination can go under 100. If you go to lotto . com, they offer free lottery software that uses sums or sum-totals as one of the lotto filters.
- Re: Lotto pick-3 strategy system super software - DEZ 07/17/01
- A lotto strategy based on the highest lotto number in a lottery drawing being 33 or less. Play it with the most powerful lotto and lottery software.
- Re: Lottery pick-3 strategy system software...high ball under 33 results - DEZ 07/17/01.
- In all 580 lotto draws there have been 27 instances where the lotto sum total added up to less than 100 (in my National Lottery up until this date).
- Re: Lotto pick-3 strategy system super software...high ball under 33 results - Nik Barker 07/17/01
- In response to your plea for info from other lotteries, I have studied all the previous 580 lotto drawings from my country's lottery -- The UK National Lottery. This lottery is of the 6/49 lotto type game.
- Re: Lotto pick-3 strategy system super software - DEZ 07/15/01
- The last lotto number in a winning combination was less = 33.That is a tremendous improvement from trying to find a trigger on the low side (i.e. when the lowest number in a lotto draw is less 20.
- Lottery pick-3 strategy system super software - DEZ 07/15/01
- Eliminating 4 or 5 lotto numbers and that is 5 more lotto numbers, so if you look at last 10 or 12 lottery drawings, now you have 20 lotto numbers to play.
- Re: Lotto pick-3 strategy system super software - BigJer 07/15/01
- Any correlation between the peroid of the lottery data in the lotto sums of skips and sum of draws with the last 10 or 12 drawingss used as template for study may locate the lottery trigger.
- Re: Lotto pick-3 strategy system super software - DEZ 07/14/01
- In my experience with other lotto strategies, I have found that they almost always use the sums of combinations as a lottery filter.
- Re: Lottery pick-3 strategy system super software - DEZ 07/14/01
- If people from other states would run the same test on their lotto, we could combine the info and be able to make a valid determination. If you want to participate, be aware that Illinois lottery uses 52 lotto balls.
- Re: Lottery pick-3 strategy system super software - DEZ 07/14/01
- Taking 5 lotto numbers off of the front and back end is 9 less than the 19 that could be taken off with my idea. However, the key here is to find what Ion refers to as "triggers" in lottery strategies.
- Re: Lottery pick-3 strategy systems software - Duke 07/14/01
- The idea is to apply the Killer Lotto Strategy to the Keno game. You would pick a favorite number and take its top 25% pairings. In 20/80 Keno game the top 25% would be 20 keno numbers.
- •Re: Lottery pick-3 strategy system super software - 07/13/01
- DEZ's pick-3 lottery strategy is backed by FFG. He discovered what I have been working on lately: the TRIGGERS. I know there are situations in lotto games when LotWon lotto software can generate just one combination – the winner!. I have seen situations when the lottery software generated fewer than 10 combinations.
- LOTWON3 pick-3 lottery software - AL. RAMOS 07/12/01
- Tutorial, a user's guide to the best and most powerful gambling, lotto and lottery software ever: LotWon, SuperPower, 'MDIEditor And Lotto WE.
- Find the index of a lotto combination and vice-versa - 7/07/2001
- Given a lotto game, can we determine the combination for a particular index? For example, the 49/6 lotto game has a total of 13,983,816 combinations. The first combination (index #1) is 1-2-3-4-5-6. The last combination in the set (index #13983816) is 44-45-46-47-48-49. Nick Kulai Koutras, a lottery researcher with a keen interest in the scientific aspect of the game, posted a link to a computer algorithm.
- Betus: Betting software for American football- Steve 07/13/01
- Using theory of probability, gambling software and Excel spreadsheets in sports betting: American football, professional football, NFL, parlays. Program name: BETUS.
- Betus: American sports betting software - 07/14/01.
- BETUS is more complicated, since it uses team names, instead of numbers. You will need a separate sports-betting data file for each sport league (CFL2001.DAT, NFL2001.DAT, etc.) Again, you write the past sports results by point spread.
- Re: I found the Candian Lotto 6/49 MOTHER DATABASE. - Lazarus 7/11/2001
- The Lottery Data Mine site: You can search the complete draw histories for both the Canadian 649 lotto and the UK National Lottery games.
- Great roulette software: So I Missed Out On A Lifetime Chance! - David C. 6/23/2001
- I'm new and came to your site about a 3 months ago, and not until recently found you mentioning your Limited time Super Roulette system. I'm just wondering if your ever going to realese the roulette systems ever again.
- Roulette software: buy the new software package: WHEEL000 - 6/26/2001
- The only truly winning roulette strategy and systems based on mathematics; free systems, software, spins. Valid for single-zero roulette wheels, and double-zero roulette.
- Ion's online casino statement is spot on - Scroodge 6/21/2001
- Cyber, online, Internet casinos employ sophisticated schemes to cheat unassuming Internet gamblers. Online casinos cannot survive without cheating. You can't see what the gambling software does!
- Online casinos owned by ecashservice not paying - xser on August 1, 2001
- Advertising, ads of cyber, Internet, online casinos not permitted, unless they clean-up their act: Stop deceiving, cheating online gamblers.
- Internet gambling, online casinos have no chance but rob the players - 6/21/2001
- Lately, there is clear indication that my opinion on Internet gambling should have been expressed in grosser terms. You should know that I have received business offers from several online casinos. The offers have a common feature. I am offered at least 10% of a player for his/her lifetime! That's so because online casinos cheat big time!
- Reports of fairness in online gambling? - 6/24/2001
- The online gambling sites (casinos) offer a sign-up bonus. I received materials from a gambling site that offers, and I quote exactly: "An incredible 125% in bonuses"! 50% sign-up bonus, 50% reload bonus, 15% referral bonus, 10% gamblers insurance! That's absolutely insane! You start with $1000 and they give you $1250 extra to start gambling! Could it be honest? NOT! NON!
- LotWon lottery software v. 10.99.02 - Aponizuma 6/19/2001
- LotWon lottery mathematics implemented the first lotto lottery filters; imitated by many lottery software developers, but never duplicated.
- Paging Ion Saliu - Ver 6 lotto question - El Loco 6/19/2001
- When you set the lotto filter any 6 to a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 9, that one ends up with combinations containing lotto numbers from the 9 last lottery drawings.
- Re: Paging Ion Saliu Version 6 lotto question - mia tudose 07/12/01
- Unique lotto lottery software, theory: Lottery and lotto software enable lotto, lottery filters. Based on reducing the amount of lotto combinations to play.
- The vertical lotto filters are like Ionian pillars - 6/20/2001
- The vertical filters (Ver) in the lotto software can be used the same way as the "Any" filters. The minimum level eliminates all the lotto combinations underneath. The maximum level forces lottery combinations that appeared within the range.
- Re: The vertical lottery filters are like Ionian pillars - B2B 6/20/2001
- To thine own self be true, for it must follow as dost the night the day, that canst not then be false to any man - Shakespeare inspired by Socrates (Know thyself).
- History abounds with wisdom… - 6/21/2001
- Homo sapiens is a very special species: wisdom is one special quality. Humans descend from beasts, animals: cruelty is another trait.
- History abounds with wisdom…AND cruelty… - 6/21/2001
- Humans have created so much Wisdom! Yet, the species will still be extinct after who knows how long. That's nothing compared to the extinction of the solar system. And that, in turn, is Nothing, compared to the Big Crunch of the Universe!
- Predictions for Belmont Stakes 2001 - 6/09/2001
- There are situations when the trifecta pays very well at some horse race tracks, including Belmont. But one should know what the streak is, as far as long-shot trifectas are concerned. In such rare horseracing cases, the restrictions will be reversed. I would want combinations of two long shots as horse favorites at this year's Belmont Stakes.
- When viewing the tuturials for the LotWon lottery software if you are not a math expert it is very difficult to follow. There should be a step by step process with and actual test case we could follow to run these lotto software programs.
- "My kingdom for a good lotto tutorial!" - 12:41:51 6/13/2001
- Tutorial, a user's guide to the best and most powerful gambling, lotto and lottery software ever: LotWon, SuperPower, 'MDIEditor And Lotto WE. Need of a good user's guide for lottery software, lotto software.
- Re: "My kingdom for a good lottery tutorial!" - Nik Barker 6/14/2001
- I have been studying the lotwon99 lottery software since March and am still playing on paper as I haven't quite got it yet. But I have followed Ion's advice, I have been through the whole message board and copied and pasted any relevant lottery articles to a notepad.
- Re: "My kingdom for a good lotto tutorial!" - DEZ 6/13/2001
- The lottery tutorial outlines everything a person needs to know to implement Lotwon lotto software. However, if someone is as slow on the uptake as I am, it needs to be read, reread, reread, and reread again.
- Re: "My kingdom for a good lottery tutorial!" - Matt 6/14/2001
- The latest version of MDIEditor and Lotto WE, including the freeware version (01) has a comprehensive help facility. The Windows help file is better and more comprehensive than in any previous versions of my lottery and lotto software.
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