Archive #12: World Message Board, Forums
Prediction, Science, Gambling, Lottery, Software, Systems
Best Forum Pages Were Saved: Gambling, Lottery, Software, Systems, Powerball, Mega Millions, Blackjack, Roulette, Horse Racing, Sports
- July 21, 2014.
- The Super Forums came to an end in March of 2014, soon after my… birthday (March 9)! But — there is good news! I have copies in Word format of all posts I published in my forums. I'll have to convert them to HTML — not an easy task. I will republish here the most important posts. Importance is in the mind of the beholder. That is, I decide what materials will see life again. The pages will be listed in the second section.
Lottery - All About Lottery – Mathematics, Social Purpose, History, Software, Systems
- June 18, 2013.
- The first lottery systems, followed later by gambling systems, were based on observation. It all happened long before the computers were invented. Such manual gambling systems are still in usage today, especially by old players and women. The so-called paper-and-pencil systems, for example, count how many times lottery numbers were drawn and how they were paired.
- The negative camp will stress two points in the modern era. One is a reminiscence of the mysticism era: fetishism. The other is pseudo-mathematical. They represent the facts in a fashion that belongs to fetishism. They claim, in a vocal manner: "The lottery is random" — as if there were other phenomena that are non-random! The fetishism factor: "The lotto balls don't have memory" — as if plastic balls were human beings to remember rules!
- "The lotto balls don't have memory" is reminiscent of the mystical era. "The lottery is random" represents "modern pseudo-mathematics".
Draw the Golden Ratio, or Golden Proportion, or Divine Proportion; Golden Number(s) in Geometrical Representation
- March 20, 2012.
- I've seen quite a few misrepresentations of the Golden Ratio in its geometrical form. Wikipedia even erased a few badly constructed drawings of PHI! In fact, drawing the Divine Proportion is an easy procedure. You can find here the best methodology to divide a segment into two parts, a, b that satisfy the Golden Proportion. Segment b divided by segment a equals segment a divided by the entire segment a + b.
- You will find also some original mathematical concepts and procedures.
Demise of Gambler's Fallacy, Reversed Gambler's Fallacy
Caused by Ion Saliu and Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG) - November 18, 2011.
- The infamous Gambler's Fallacy was the first bullet shot at yours truly, as it were. I was promoting the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG) and potentially winning gambling systems derived from the FFG. My opponents, most of them vociferous and aggressive, posed me with this "mathematical" situation:
- "You lose once; the probability that you will lose next time is the same as before. You lose twice; the probability that you will lose the third time in a row is the same as before.... and so on.... ad infinitum, if you will...." It's like a god of odds will always "create" losing outcomes for the player (always winning situations for the gambling house)!
- My forums, new and old, always have been a place of debating the gambler's fallacy and the reversed gambler's fallacy.
Roulette System: Wheel Halves, Sectors, Layout, Bias Betting - October 21, 2010.
- This is the original roulette system based on which wheel half the ball landed. Saliu roulette positional system was pirated and distributed at exorbitant prices by genuinewinner, Stefano Hourmouzis, Australia.
- The following four pages present most powerful lottery strategies to date; the systems are accompanied by the best and absolutely unique software applications - July 28, 2015.
Reversed Lottery Strategy for Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Odd Even, Low High, Skips
Markov Chains, Followers, Pairs, Lottery, Lotto, Software
The Best Strategy for Lottery, Gambling, Sports Betting, Horse Racing, Blackjack, Roulette
- May 1, 2015.
- Is there such a thing — the best strategy for gambling and lottery? Actually, is there possibly any strategy to win those widely-considered cases of absolutely-random events?
- Actually, everything is random to begin with. The differences are created by different probabilities, different degrees of certainty that lead to various degrees of randomness.
- Ion Saliu coolheadedly explains that the best strategy for gambling and lottery is a reality and it is based on mathematics. His theory and software in lottery, gambling, sports betting, horse racing, blackjack, roulette, etc. may be the only honest and no-nonsense example. There might be a few other cases, but Ion is not fully aware of.
The Best Software to Calculate Odds (Probabilities) For Any Lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, SuperLotto Plus, Keno, Horse Racing
- October 31, 2012.
Microsoft Windows 10 Upgrade Ridden by Serious Problems, Errors, Issues
- August 5, year of grace 2015.
Interesting Gambling Game Similar to Blackjack and Poker: Ceamciuge
- June 1, 2015.
- Ceamciuge, from probably Gypsy Romanian is pronounced chumCHEWjeh in English. The heads-up players use the fingers of one hand to get a count of 21 or less. An interesting mixture of blackjack and poker psychological warfare.
Important Revision to the Probability Theory, Live! Book
(the PDF Version) - Augustus 20, 2014.
- I activated all bookmarks and links. Navigation is a lot easier by clicking on the hyperlinks. You can read the PDF book, while opening Web pages for useful related information.
- I updated also all information regarding calculation of the bust odds in the game of blackjack; pertinent URLs are provided.
- This update is available for free to readers who already bought the previous release of the PDF version of Probability Theory, Live!
Google Search Panda, Penguin Devilish Updates Hurt Webmasters, Businesses Quality Sites - April 27, 2012; November 22, 2013.
- Two new asphyxiating Google updates, Panda and Penguin, like the Florida update in 2003. After these updates, commercial pages were dropped or, at least, moved way down the rankings. Most webmasters realized immediately that Google was maintaining a list of money-words. Based on that greedy list, the non-commercial (informative) sites were listed at the very top of search results. Meanwhile, all commercial sites were most likely dropped from the first 10 or so result-pages. Clearly, the intent was to force commercial sites into advertising (Google AdWords), thusly allowing Google to make a lot more money.
- According to The New York Times, Google will be reviewed by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC):
- Federal regulators escalated their antitrust investigation of Google on Thursday by hiring a prominent litigator, sending a strong signal that they are prepared to take the Internet giant to court.
- "The Federal Trade Commission is examining Google's immensely powerful and lucrative search technology, which directs users to hundreds of millions of online and offline destinations every day. The case has the potential to be the biggest showdown between regulators and Silicon Valley since the government took on Microsoft 14 years ago."
Google Search, Google Shit Anthem of Internet After Panda Penguin Updates - March 25, 2013.
- After Google released the Panda, Penguin updates, there is a loud anthem all over the Internet: Google Search, Google Shit.
Lotto Software for Groups of Numbers: Odd, Even, Low, High, Sums, Frequencies, User's Groups - August 29, 2011; updated September 15, 2011.
- Launching lotto software that works with groups of numbers, user created or computer generated. The lotto number groups are odd, even, low, high, frequency numbers, sums or sum-totals, and combination of all.
The Universal Combinations Generator: Any Lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Keno, Horseracing, Two-In-One Lotto Games - Last update: December 9, 2010.
- Get free lotto and lottery software to generate combinations for all lotto, Euromillions, Powerball, Mega Millions, Keno games, and horseracing. Generate lotto combinations in lexicographic order for N numbers taken M at a time, in K steps, any lexicographical rank or index. Specifically to this program, the combinations can be generated in steps. That is, the user has the choice to generate lotto combinations with constant gaps or skips between them.
- To my best knowledge, no other piece of lotto software can accurately generate universal N taken M at a time combinations. Most certainly, no other lottery program can generate lotto combinations in steps. Furthermore, this incredible program even generates lotto combinations within a range of numbers and / or between two lexicographical indexes!
Random Numbers, Shuffle, Randomize: Theory, Algorithms, Software - June 2004; last update March 2011.
- Read theory of generating true random numbers. Two randomization algorithms are the main generators of truly random and unique numbers. The software is also applicable to lottery, all lotto games, plus Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions.
BASIC Language Source Code Software to Generate True Random Numbers - June 2004; last update March 2011.
- Run directly PowerBasic Compiler source code, software program, algorithms to generate true random and unique numbers. Included is a function to generate highly randomized seeds to replace computer TIMER.
New Lotto Software: 7-by-7-Number Combinations in Lotto 6 / 49 Games - October 14, 2010.
- Lotto software that generates random combinations for 6 / 49 lotto, but 7-by-7-number clusters, like 'Shuffle' in Combine6. This represents a perfect square lotto matrix, very much like lottery Sudoku.
Lotto Strategy, Software: 10-numbers Combinations Wheeled to 5-number Lotto Games - Octaneber 2, 2010 (We start seeking higher octane fuel beginning October…).
- New lotto software that generates 10-number combinations based on data files (real drawings) in 5-number lotto games. The 10-number lotto combinations are then wheeled to 5 numbers ('3 of 5') with a special 10-number lotto wheel.
Lotto Strategy, Software: 12-Numbers Combinations Applied to 6-Number Lotto Games - September 29, 2010.
- New lotto software that generates 12-number combinations based on data files (real drawings) in 6-number lotto games. The 12-number lotto combinations are then wheeled to 6 numbers ('4 of 6') with a special 12-number lotto wheel.
- There was a mix of curiosity and scepticism (perhaps cynicism as well) expressed in Parpaluck's forums this year of grace 2010. It was related to an old lotto strategy that hit the jackpot but it wasn't played (1986)! There is new software that works directly with the lottery strategy presented on the "An Old Lotto Strategy (1986): The Jackpot Oh-So-Close!" page (June 3, 2010).
Source Code for Software, Programs Created by Ion Saliu - May 15, 2009.
- Ion Saliu makes available the source code of some of his software programs. Programming language: BASIC, ready to run in PowerBasic Console Compiler.The software source code is available only to members with Permanent Membership. A Permanent Member will have access to this website for as long as it is alive! You will have unrestricted access to all resources here, including but not limited to, web pages and, especially, software, even source code.
My first book available now: Probability Theory, Live! - February 8, 9, 20, 24, 2010.
- I accomplished a great goal: I published my first book. The title of the book is Probability Theory, Live! Evidently, the book deals with theory of probability, a branch of mathematics. From the publisher's press release:
Probability Theory, Live! * by Ion Saliu
More than Gambling and Lottery — it's about Life!
Publication Date: February 3, 2010
Trade Paperback; $22.99; 315 pages; 978-1-4500-3734-1
Trade Hardback; $32.99; 315 pages; 978-1-4500-3735-8
Reviews, Opinions, ForeWord Clarion: Ion Saliu's Probability Theory, Live! - April 25, 2010.
- Read a formal review of my book in ForeWord Clarion Review, kind of a little bible of the publishing industry. Then read a strong opinion regarding the Clarion review — kind of a short review of a review. You know, I like what they did…the ClarIon(s)! They chose a woman to review my book. She gave me an acceptable 2 of 5. Chances are, a man would have "rewarded" me with "zero out of five"! I'm not kidding! I am notorious for bringing out the worst in men! That really feasts my ego! I must be really good…I mean really great…if I make some men feel like dying out of hatred towards yours truly!
Government-Condoned Attacks against Intelligent Gambling - February 8, 2011.
- The world governments at all levels are hostile to winning gamblers because they lose money in tax revenues. Even governments in the United States hate winning gamblers, including computerized lottery players — who pay at least one-third of jackpot wins to federal taxes.
- The governments want you hear their shouting message loud and clear: "It's a tax on stupidity … stoopid! You win — You R a criminal!"
Casino Winning Percentages in Atlantic City 2008 Beat Mathematics…Big-Time! - The Dawai Lama of Gambling, Marching 7, 2009.
- The physical casinos in Atlantic City record staggering winning percentages that defy theory of probability. Is this the effect of blatant cheating or the result of stupid gambling by most players? Bad gambling systems promoted by the casinos themselves, including card counting at blackjack? Tipping... way too much tipping, by gamblers during winning streaks? A combosnation of factors, to be sure...
BjOdds: New blackjack software (including the source code) is ready to buy with an agreement approval due on sign-up. - August 19, 2010.
- New blackjack software precisely generates all favorable cases (busted hands) and all possible cases (total blackjack actions). Thus, mathematically precise calculations of the blackjack odds and house edge are possible for the first time ever. The historic algorithms are here for everybody to see, read, comprehend, and fully verify.
Blackjack Dealer Bust: New Software to Calculate Odds, House Edge at Blackjack - August 31, 2009; updated August 10, 2010.
- The odds (probability) for dealer's bust are (is) significantly higher. Instead of John Scarne's 28%, the dealer bust odds fly to at least 41.97%. That affects a player's outcome by a lot ... negatively speaking! The old — and incorrect — house edge was .28 * .28 = 7.8%. The new and much more accurate house advantage is .4197 ^ 2 = 17.6% — a 10% boost for the casino! That's the reason why the generic blackjack player loses faster and more than the generic roulette player. The so-called gambling gurus or experts will never admit that to that … truth!
- New blackjack software precisely generates all favorable cases (busted hands) and all possible cases (total blackjack actions). Software available for sale, including the source code … as per the article above.
High-powered integrated sports betting software - August 8, 2010.
- This is the most powerful roulette software application anywhere. It bundles in a convenient system the most important pieces of sport bet software created by Ion Saliu.
An Old Lotto Strategy (1986): The Jackpot Oh-So-Close! - June 3, 2010.
- There have been questions in my forums (a message board hosted independently from SALIU.COM). Also, I've received questions from readers of my book. Why don't I present clearly and in detail that lotto strategy that hit a jackpot in 1986 (although was not played)? The detailed lotto strategy follows, plus instructions to apply it today.
Blackjack, Basic Strategy, Card Counting; Charts & Tables; Probability, Odds, Rules - Updated December 29, 2009.
- To this date, the blackjack odds are the same as John Scarne calculated them in the 1950's. The computers back then were not the commodity they are today. And John Scarne was NOT a computer programmer! The way he calculated the odds made sense for the first two and three blackjack cards on hand. The game of blackjack, however, can have much longer hands: From 2 cards to 10 cards per hand (up to 11 cards for two or more decks in the game).
- Yours truly, Ion Saliu (royalty name Parpaluck), has finally emitted light on this dark matter. The odds (probability) for dealer's bust are (is) significantly higher. Instead of Scarne's 28%, the dealer bust odds fly to at least 41.97% (skyrocket up to 64.89%). That affects a player's outcome by a lot ... negatively speaking!
- The streaks will be worse for the player under these new circumstances (which I believe to be the correct ones). No wonder so many blackjack players are dismayed to hear that blackjack is almost a 50-50 game, if playing basic strategy! The players lose far more than the so-called mathematical expectation. I did hear casino players at the blackjack tables expressing anger after quickly losing all their chips. It was better to play roulette, some said. I certainly agree with them right now. The house edge at roulette is better than in blackjack! Yes, some will always stigmatize you: Roulette is a sucker's game! Not anymore!
- If you play blackjack, be sure to sit in last chair, just before the dealer. The more players at the blackjack table, the better you are. And be sure to chip in with at least the table's maximum limit (to withstand long losing streaks). Try to play no more than 100 hands at the same table (higher probability for shorter losing streaks). If you and I happen to be at the same table, be grateful and let me sit at the third base!
- No, the casinos couldn't resist reacting…once again! They should know by now that I don't get intimidated. Yet, they keep reacting every time I publish something of great importance. No doubt, my new research in calculating the blackjack odds of busting is ground-breaking. The new figures will surely have an impact on the game of blackjack. They even make me a criminal by association! They compare me to the criminals who become their own lawyers! You can read an hostile email I suspect originated in a casino highly paid office.
Australian Roulette System, Piracy of Ion Saliu Systems, Software (Wheel Half, Sector, Hemisphere) - June 18 & 20; September 2, 2009.
- You might have read Internet ads such as: "Roulette System That Won Millions". There are YouTube shows as well! The roulette system in point (or collection uv roulette systems) is promoted by a gambling vendor (or a group of gambling developers) in Australia - GenuineWinner.com, RouletteComputers.com, HybridRouletteComputer.com. Da systems represent flagrant piracy of roulette systems and software I discovered as early as the year 2000.
- I did not discover that act of piracy on my own. It is impossible to know about everything that takes place in this world. I received inquiries, however, that raised the level of my curiosity. Then, a direct, blunt question: Was Ion Saliu behind that Down Under roulette system? Or did I license a group of entrepreneurs to market my strategy and software? Probably a user of the above roulette system ... guaranteed to win (or guaranteed to be an act of piracy!) It was clear to me that the gambler in cause was frustrated. The half-based roulette system does NOT work as advertised! You might not see a strong roulette wheel bias in a long, long time.
- Apparently, the law had its effects: The Australian roulette pirates got really scared! They announced at their website that they decided to stop selling their roulette system and roulette computers!
Microsoft Windows 7: Computer Operating System Done Right - October 24, 2009.
- Microsoft Windows 7 was a much needed upgrade to Windows Vista. Windows-7 discarded the cumbersome features in Vista, thus resulting in a far superior computer PC operating system. Even one of my personal favorites was fixed: Show the underscore for the acceleration keys in menus and context-sensitive menus!
Probability of Repetition: The Birthday Paradox Applied to Lotto, Lottery, Roulette - September 30, 2009.
- Ion Saliu discovered that the famous Birthday Paradox can lead to winning lottery, lotto, and gambling systems. It's all about the beginning of the game, accurate recording of data (trials, drawings, spins, etc.) and calculations of 50-50 chance for a repeat. See real-life cases in Pennsylvania lottery and Hamburg Spielbank (Casino), Germany.
High-powered integrated horseracing trifectas software - July 27, 2009.
- This is the most powerful horseracing software application anywhere. The upgraded bundle includes new programs, notably the powerful SoftwareHorses3. It also comes with a new interface to run under 64-bit Windows Vista.
Special horse racing utility software for trifectas (triactors), pairings and exactas (exactors) - July 22, 2009.
- New horse-racing software works with single and multiple horse-number groups: Singles, Pairs (expanded exactas). The user can generate straight trifectas with or without favorite horses. The trifectas (triactors in Canada) represent the most important incentive in betting on horses — probable the single biggest reason. Look for high-paying long-shot trifectas!
Special upgrade to the utility software for two-in-one (5+1) lotto games: Powerball, Mega Millions, SuperLotto, Thunderball, etc. - July 20, 2009.
- One huge lotto software utility works with single and multiple number groups for '5+1' lotto games. These games draw 5 regular numbers from one chamber; then, one ball from a second chamber. This type of lottery started in the United States with a game still in play: Powerball. Similar games: Mega Millions, CA SuperLotto, Powerball, Thunderball (UK).
SoftwareLotto: Special upgrades to the lottery utility software for 5, 6, and 7-number lotto games - June 2, 2009.
- Three lotto software utility super programs work with single and multiple number groups for lotto 5, 6-number lotto, and lotto-7: Pairs (doubles), triples, quadruples, quintuples, sextets. Version 16.0 (April, June 2009) lifts all restrictions on generating lotto combinations, including eliminating the least pairings, triples, quadruples, quintuples, sextets. Get 'em while they last (the software and/or the current lotto games)!
The Upgrade to BRIGHT6: High-Powered Integrated Lotto-6 Software Freeware - April 26, 2009.
- The new high-power lotto-6 software: BRIGHT6 is very potent lotto 6 software for the most serious lottery players. A collection of unique programs for 6-number lotto games. This upgrade includes a new interface for 64-bit Windows Vista.
The Upgrade to BRIGHT4: High-Powered Integrated Pick-4 Lottery Software - April 6, 2009.
- The new high-power pick-4 lottery software: BRIGHT4: Serious lotto 4 software for serious lottery players. A collection of unique and highly efficient programs for 4-digit lottery games. Includes a new interface for 64-bit Windows Vista.
The Upgrade to BRIGHT3: High-Powered Integrated Pick-3 Lottery Software - April 1+0, 2009.
- The new high-power pick-3 lottery software: BRIGHT3: Serious lotto 3 software for serious lottery players. A collection of unique and highly efficient programs for 3-digit lottery games. Includes a new interface for 64-bit Windows Vista.
Special lottery utility software for the 3- and 4-digit pick lotteries - March 29, 2009.
- New lottery software works with single and multiple digit groups for Daily (Pick) 3, 4: Pairs (twins), triplets (trips). The user can generate straight Pick lottery sets with or without favorite digits. Version 15.0 (April 2009) lifted all restrictions on generating straight pick sets, including eliminating the least pairings and triples.
LotWon Lottery, Gambling, Scientific Software and Windows Vista: Dual Boot with Windows XP - Demember 23, 2008.
- Windows Vista is a failure by any standards and Microsoft has come to terms with the truth. Don't discard of Windows XP yet, but dual boot with Hasta-la-Vista-baby to run all LotWon lottery, gambling and scientific software. Parpaluck shares with you the most effective and accurate step-by-step tips. You need to print first all instructions on paper. Then have a drink and do nothing until the following day. A backup of your PC and a rehearsal are strongly recommended.
Assaults, Threats against Mathematics of Gambling and Lottery - July 31; August 1, 2009.
- The mathematics of gambling and lottery is intensely assaulted and threatened. Even the federal court system is decidedly opposed to mathematics applied to gambling. Read an astonishing ruling of a federal appellate court that resembles the legal decisions favorable to mafia prior to 1980's, when FBI successfully put the mob out of business.
Press Release: Zeno's Paradoxes Undeniably Solved For The First Time Ever - June 3, 2009.
- For more than two millennia, the paradoxes conceived by the Sophist Zeno (Zenon) of Elea were considered unsolvable: Impeccably logical arguments that lead to false conclusions. I solved for the first time ever Zeno's Paradoxes. I, Ion Saliu, discovered the first metaphysical or philosophical or logical solution to Zeno's riddles, or aporiae, or paradoxes. I applied the logical and mathematical method known as reductio ad absurdum. I demonstrated undeniably that Zeno's Paradoxes are absurdities. There is absolutely no logic to a Zenon paradox.
- A most philosophical piece of advice: Every human must immediately claim credit for what's legitimately his or hers. False modesty is a robbery tool manipulated by the lowlifes. There is no virtue in hiding the Truth and giving illegitimate credit to the undeserving. Truth is above anything and anybody. This rule is the most virtuous form of nurturing and feeding one's ego.
Special lottery utility software for 5-digit Quinto lottery games - September 28; October 11, 2008.
- New lottery software works with single and multiple digit groups for Quinto: Pairs (twins), triplets (trips), quadruplets (quads). The user can generate straight Quinto sets with or without favorite digits.
MDIEditor And Lotto WE: Errors Discovered - And Extraordinarily Corrected! - Withdrawn - For Awhile - Then Redivivus Forever! - October 12, 2006.
- MDIEditor Lotto WE, the premier lottery software was withdrawn: Software no longer offered. The lottery filters were bug-ridden, had severe errors. All errors were fixed.
Online shopping: Books, magazines, CD, DVD, computers, software, electronics...and much more.
- This website had a Shopping page from its inception. Things change so rapidly in the virtual world! Online shopping has become a major form of commerce worldwide.
- My old online shop had become outdated. I just made some major updates, by becoming an online affiliate with famous and outstanding firms. The variety is also great, even at this time of starting up.
- Shop gloriously, but without bidding: Encyclopedias, books, textbooks, magazines, CD, DVD, desktops, servers, notebooks, software, electronics, appliances, apparel, footwear, sportswear, fitness, outdoors, personal, financial, gift cards...
"Hey, Joe! Where do you go with that gun in your hand?" (Jimi Hendrix) - Rocktober 28, 2008.
- Presidential elections, dirty tactics, partisan misery... The Joe with a gun in his hand goes after the opposing political candidate by committing the crime of slant or libel. Forget about violating the intellect of an independent voter (a U.S. citizen who is not affiliated with any political party). I know that the dirty mailing campaign of the Pennsylvania Republican Party is after voters such as myself. The party base is never enough for any political party to win. All political parties badly need the independents. Or even the independent-minded members of the opposing political party. It looks like the political party in despair has to apply miserable tactics. The trailing-in-the-polls party desperately needs the independent voters.
More Legal Cases Against The Casinos - Rocktober 6 & 14, 2008.
- I came across two recent legal cases against the casinos. One was posted on the BJ21 forum, another one on the blackjackforumonline. You know what really made blackjack card counting such a loud myth? It was the legal case of a revered blackjack player named Ken Uston. In my book, he was a crook, a casino mole.
The Science of Prediction: Gambling, Lottery, Nature (Weather Forecasting) - September 29, 2008.
- Prediction is a mathematical science founded on the number of trials and Ion Saliu's concept of degree of certainty. Nothing comes in absolute certainty, and the tragedy begins with weather.
Lottery Mathematics, Lotto Mathematics: Probabilities, Appearance, Repeat, Affinity or Number Affiliation, Wheels, Systems, Strategies - July 12, 15; September 18, 2008.
- Lottery mathematics in a nutshell for most humans to comprehend and take advantage of. Nothing without mathematics!
The Life of a Webmaster: Advertising, Paid Software Download, Relevance in Search Engines - Selftember 12, 2008.
- The summer of the year of grace 2008 (since tribunicia potestas were granted to Octavianus Augustus) was a tough time for the grand web master. Yours truly had to do lots of corrections and other changes to the grandiose website of the entire world. A master's gotta do what a man's gotta do!
ToolsLotto5: Special upgrade to the lottery utility software for 5-number lotto games - July 19, 2008.
- ToolsLotto5 is a special upgrade to the lottery utility software for 5-number lotto games (Util-532). The new application adds four functions: Pairings, triplets and quadruples (2-, 3- and 4 in 5 groups of lotto numbers); plus special combination generating. Paid membership is NOT required to download the powerful lotto program.
List of Countries And Domain Names By HTML Code - July 17, 2008.
- See the entire composition of the guests who are kind enough, and some not nearly kind enough, to visit my hou'. They all started the journey some 35000-55000 years ago in the heart of Africa. I can say they have been really fast, all things considered! It is a super wonder that they were able to leave the House of Lion King unimpeded.
- Are they evil, or are they saint? Yes, we are! BRRRRRRRRAHAHAHAHA... Our good friend across the timeline, Publius Terentius Afer, put it better than any Homo sapinens:
Homo sum; humani nihil a me alienum puto.
I am human; nothing human in nature is alien to me.
- By the way – A quick answer to an intriguing question always leveled at yours truly. Why do I respond like I do on some occasions? I got a quick Latin answer for you, Super Crocodilule!
Ut homo est, ita morem geras.
Suit your manner to the man.
ToolsLotto6: Special upgrade to the lottery utility software for 6-number lotto games - July 15 & 16, 2008.
- ToolsLotto6 is a special upgrade to the lottery utility software for 6-number lotto games (Util-632). The new application adds two functions: Triplets and quadruples (3- and 4 in 6 groups of lotto numbers). No paid membership is required to download the powerful lotto program.
Anti-gambler Advice: John Patrick, Casino Mole, Conspirator - updated July 3, 2008.
- Better late than never! I didn't pay much attention to that mole who posed as a teenager, Jackal, with gambling interests and who was also a drunkard. I thought first it was a conspiracy committed with the chairman of MGM-Grand Casino, John Schroder, to throw me in a dangerous legal situation of condoning underage gambling and alcohol drinking. I let them off the hook...
- Several years thereafter, I realized who the Jackal was. None other than a noted gambling system developer and gambling book writer: John Patrick. The ultimate casino mole himself! When I warned would-be gamblers interested in buying casino systems, I was referring chiefly to the John Patrick "casino gambling systems". I had a casino gambling CD of his. It was shot inside a casino, with real TV cameras!!!
- I am glad I never succumbed to that mocking reaction towards yours truly: "You are paranoid!" I've had sooo many first-hand experiences being attacked by moles and exposing them! I might have been wrong in very, very few cases! Conspiracy is the most common fact of life and paranoia is the most common defense.
To be suspicious is not a fault. To be suspicious all the time without coming to a conclusion is the defect.
Suit your manner to the man.
Wisdom courtesy of Publius Terentius Afer.
A New Commission to Regulate the Internet Casinos and Online Gambling: eCOGRA - June 20, 2008.
- Yet another self-appointed governing body of Internet online gambling. Beware! Fraud still rules! I already saw the list of online casinos that received eCOGRA seal of approval. If you don't see what they do, you do not play!
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