Archive #4: World Message Board, Forum
Lottery, Lotto Software, Spreadsheets, Roulette
- Degree of Certainty? - El Loco 9/05/2000.
- Can someone make me a table (like the one on your site - degree of certainty) if p = 1/7 (6/42) or tell me how to do it myself? How can I apply the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG)?
- Re: Degree Of Certainty? - 9/08/2000.
- Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG) is an historic discovery in theory of probability, theory of games, gambling mathematics. The essence of the Degree of Certainty (DC) in probability theory.
- Online Lotto: Strategies, Secrecy, etc. - 9/04/2000.
- Some wanted to know how to use the same strategy with free online lotto games. I said "What free online lotteries?" So, visitors to this web site have known about such free lottery games but kept it secret! There are online free lotteries, lotto games. Play them if you trust them. But always use the best and most powerful software -- free too.
- Comparative lottery/lotto software programs - Karl Malmberg 8/20/2000.
- I have recently had the opportunity to test run two commercially available lotto software programs: Platinum Plus by Prof. Jones, and I also tried Lottery Advantage by Gail Howard. In my opinion the first one for $150.00 dollars is a waste of money. Ion's lottery freeware is vastly superior.
- Re: Comparative lottery/lotto software programs+ Strategies 101 - 8/23/2000.
- Some informed me that Gail Howard's approach has some similarities to my strategy presented on the the main winning lotto, lottery software, strategy page. I understand, however, that her method is not based on the Fundamental Formula Of Gambling (FFG). Nor is her method based on other math formulas, or mathematics in general or in particular. Rather, Gail Howard's lottery strategy appears to be based on simple observation.
- Re: Comparative lottery/lotto software programs+ Strategies 101 - Karl M. 8/23/2000.
- Winning lotto, lottery, gambling is possible by using scientific software. LotWon, SuperPower$, MDIEditor And Lotto WE are the most powerful lotto, lottery software programs.
- The myths of lottery: frequency and lotto wheels - 8/24/2000.
- Let's suppose the two past lottery drawings consist of 12 unique lotto numbers. Min-Any6=2 will ELIMINATE exactly C(12,6)=924 lotto combinations. If the user sets MAX_Any6=2 the program will LEAVE TO PLAY a number of combinations equal to C(12,6)=924. If min-Any6=MAX_Any6=2, the lottery software will eliminate 924 of 924 combinations to play. Result: 0.
- Re: Comparative lottery/lotto software programs - Karl M. 8/27/2000.
- My lotto software offers also other helpful statistical elements: the SKIP charts and 'WORST PAIRINGS". The two elements are a lot more useful than any charts or graphical patterns. The skip charts can be used even more efficiently in conjunction with the fundamental formula of gambling (FFG). I showed that in a lotto 6/48 (or 6/49) game, every number will repeat within 6 lottery drawings in 50% of the situations.
- Ken Uston on CBS 60 Minutes - Mr. T 8/15/2000.
- I read with great interest your opinions on Ken Uston and Edward Thorp. I am a former professional blackjack card counter but I currently make my living at the baccarat tables (with great success). Some of what you say has some reality to it regarding Ken Uston.
- The myth of blackjack: card counting; real gambling mathematics - 8/19/2000.
- Mathematics, theory of probability, gambling formula applied to card counting at blackjack. There is an astronomical number of card sequences against counting cards at the casino blackjack table. If there is a gambling system, I analyze it mathematically, first and foremost. It includes BLACKJACK COUNTING CARDS, the most talked about gambling system. Many gamblers fall in love with one or more systems.
- Re: Ken Uston on 60 Minutes - Terry Morgan 11/15/2000.
- I'm fascinated by this. I had never been in a casino until about seven years ago I bought a second-hand copy of "Blackjack Your Way to Riches". I started to get interested in card counting, tried it out, and found that in general I made money; not great amounts, but enough to pay for my trip to the casino.
- FORMULA gambling and statistics software has been upgraded - 8/12/2000.
- FORMULA has been upgraded to calculate also the "Binomial Distribution Formula". This formula calculates the probability of exactly M successes in N trials, when the probability p is constant. It deals with a sequence of events, such as a number of coin tosses. It proves that what happened in the past is relevant to the next trial.
- Illinois lotto, loto data - A. Kelinson 8/11/2000.
- Does anyone have access to Illinois lotto information (draws, results) that can be automatically input into either the DOS or Windows lottery software systems?
- Search the Web for lottery results - 8/11/2000.
- The state lottery commissions publish their draws, drawings, past winning numbers over the Internet. Copy and paste the results to update data files in LotWon lottery, lotto software. Search for "Illinois lottery", or "lottery results", or "lottery drawings".
- Free lotto-7 loto 7 software plus… - 8/06/2000.
- I uploaded lotto-7 software to "FTP Downloads". Of course, it is available as a free download to you. I tried to make it easier to use LotWon lotto software. I created a menu similar to the one in LotWon3 lottery software. I added also a primer (not tutorial!) on the basic steps of LotWon. I added also some .BAT files that you can copy to your lotto-5 and lotto-6 software packages.
- Lotto, loto, loto-7: Skip analysis - Ed Meier 8/03/2000.
- Hi Ion: Found your lotto information on the net. Believe me, are you sure you know what you're talking about? Do you realize that to wheel 20 lotto numbers at 6/6 is something like 38,750 combinations. You say that 90% of the time 3 numbers have appeared or shall appear from the last 15 lottery drawings in a 6/42 lotto.
- Karl's Worthy Gambling, Lottery Contributions - Karl M 7/30/2000.
- My compliments on your intriguing lottery software and methodology. Although I had taken statistics in college and am familiar with statistical analysis software, I must admit that I was completely ignorant of this type of lottery analysis until just recently. All my professors said that lottery was impossible to analyze since they believe it is totally random.
- The way to play lottery, lotto. (In my opinion) - Joe 7/30/2000.
- One thing I believe is: Any lotto software can only be as useful as the effort and creativity one puts into it. Nobody can win everyday, it is likely you won't get rich, so let manipulating the lottery software be part of the objective of playing the lottery....Keep it fun. keep it simple. Be creative.
- Creating and releasing new gambling, lottery software, systems - 7/29/2000.
- What would be the purpose of showing you how I would play a strategy such as PR_1 = 100 in Pennsylvania lottery? To get a lower payoff? What would be the purpose of showing you how to play roulette in Atlantic City? To get the casinos change the rules drastically? They already scare the players who open a notebook and write down the roulette spins. Moreover, the casinos do not want to turn on the marquees (electronic displays) at quite a few roulette tables. That's because I presented a potent roulette system correlated to the 'birthday paradox' (read the main roulette page you find in the footer).
- Steve Player's Lotto, Lottery Fraud - Martingale Pick-3, Anyone? - 7/19/2000.
- The lottery systems, lotto systems offered by Steve Player are big-time fraud. Sometimes they are acts of piracy. 'Steve Player' is a group of scammers.
- Re: Steve Player's Lotto, Lottery Fraud - Martingale Pick-3, Anyone? - 7/21/2000.
- There is no one single person named 'Steve Player'. It is a group of so-called "lottery systems developers". They are related to a now-defunct publication: Lotto World Magazine. The magazine was primarily a vehicle for 'Steve Player's lotto systems'. Half of the publication consisted of full-page ads for those "lottery systems". Most likely, the publishers and 'Steve Player' were one and the same entity. The ads also featured a fake photo of a weird-looking man who was living in the wilderness of New England, surrounded by computers and developing lottery systems!
- Lottery filters and lotto skip numbers - Sam 7/17/2000.
- I justed playing with software recently and I wanted to thank Ion for making LotWon99 lottery software available to all of us. But I am confused about the skip numbers since I ran the software for the 100 lotto draws for 6/49 and come with about 43 numbers to work with.
- Re: Lottery filters and lotto skip numbers - 7/18/2000.
- Lottery filters eliminate millions of lotto combinations. LotWon lottery mathematics implemented the first lotto lottery software filters. Lotto, odds, calculate odds, formula, probability, software. Get your lotto lottery, free software. Analyze your lotto drawings, method, file, lottery numbers for winning lotto combinations.
- Lottery filters and lotto skip numbers 2 - 7/16/2000.
- I know why you don't get my point on lottery filtering: You look at the phenomenon only from a STATIC perspective. As in those percentages provide by "Rolls" Royce Penny, all lottery drawings are absolutely equal. You divide that amount by total possible lotto combinations and you get a percentage point. But look at real-life lottery drawings: Every drawing is very different from the rest.
- My Daughter, Aloneness, And Nietzsche - 7/04/2000.
- The web page presents a fragment from Nietzsche's "Thus Spoke Zarathustra": "The Way of the Creating One". Almost at the same time, my dearest daughter visited my website. She signed my guest book. I was really moved. But it brought to my mind the pain of "aloneness" – the theme of "The Way of the Creating One".
- Re: My Daughter, Aloneness, And Nietzsche - Ion N. 7/04/2000.
- I keep visiting your site reguraly. Your FearSurvival concept is brilliand and in my opinion it deserves some serious thought by philosophers, scientists and just about everyone who cares to understand life.
- Roulette Strategy And Real-Life Testing - 7/04/2000.
- Many know that I devised a roulette strategy that does win. I sold two versions beginning January 2000. I discontinued the operation in March. I came to the conclusion that it was best to keep the strategy to myself, if possible. I was hoping I would save enough money for a workable bankroll. There are three factors that contribute the most to unsuccessful casino gambling, from a player's perspective.
- Re: Roulette Strategy And Real-Life Testing - Marc THIBAUD 7/06/2000.
- The casino personnel and the patrons did look at us. But nobody bothered us, in any way whatsoever. My gambling partner felt better and better. I tracked the spins at one roulette table; my partner at a neighboring table. After a roulette spin, I told my partner how I would bet the next spin. We started with the 15 roulette spins already played and displyed and continued with some 30 more spins.
- Re: Hello, Doc ! What's the price of your Roulette System ? - Marc THIBAUD 7/01/2000.
- Mon ami, my roulette system is for real. How did you just come up with this message? It's a little strange. You know I might sound paranoid in this regard. Nevertheless, I received way too many such strange messages. Frankly, I suspect you are a casino executive or even owner.
- Pesky "error 62" in Strat3 lottery software solved - Silex 6/30/2000.
- I have duplicated the error-62 problem by using your Data-3 and your Sim-3 files (that are part of the Lotwon3 lottery software package that you recently made available) by inserting 998 in your Data-3 pick-3 lottery file.
- Re: Error 62 in Strat3 lottery software solved - 6/30/2000.
- There may still be something in SUPER-3. There may be also a problem in the file names: SUPER-3 = as in SuperPower lottery software (lotwon99.zip v10.99.02); SUPER3 = as in "Super Pick 3" (lotwon3).
- Five LotWon Lotto Filter - RVS 6/30/2000.
- My Lotto-6 winning pattern Part 3 has no numbers in Five = Tot col. is this normal. I used 2000 past lotto drawings and 100 drawings.
- Re: Five Lottery Software Filter - 6/30/2000.
- What it means is that "Five" lottery filter is (almost) always equal to "Total drawings analyzed". Sometimes, it can be actually 100,000 lotto draws or more! So, as I said in a previous post, you should safely set the minimum value of "Five" to a number equal to "Total drawings used" (easily 2000, or 4000). But you should never use the maximum value of "Five".
- Philosophy and Winot?! Wine...not, Why not? - 6/28/2000.
- But why was philosophy born in Greece?, I asked myself. There must have been another element that stimulated reasoning. I believe I had the best explanation when I remembered the god of wine: Dionysus. The classical Greeks really celebrated him! No other god has ever been more joyfully celebrated than Dionysus (and his Roman replica, Bacchus). I made two more associations: "Wine unleashes the tongue" and "In vino veritas" = "The truth is in wine".
- Re: Philosophy and Winot?! Wine...not, Why not? - 6/28/2000.
- Wine made a contribution to the birth of philosophy in Ancient Greece. Well reflected in Plato's Symposium.
- Improve the efficiency of big-number lotto wheels (49.36) - 6/23/2000.
- WHEEL49.36 represents a static lotto wheel: Its composition never changes. On the other hand, a dynamic lotto system changes with every lottery drawing. I say it one more time: to dynamically wheel all the numbers in your lotto game, use the utility WHEEL-6.
- Max Pot Lotto Filter - Tycoon 6/20/2000.
- I have been through the lottery software tutorial a few times now and am getting a good feel for your program-so firstly let me commend you on making such a well thought out program freely available to the public at large.
- Re: Max Pot Lotto Filter - 6/20/2000.
- Tutorial expert level for the most powerful gambling and lottery software ever. My lotto winning reports list two conditions viz. ALL and Max Pot that do not appear in your sample winning reports.
- How to check WHEEL-49 lotto wheel for winners - 6/19/2000.
- In 100 real lotto drawings, the 49-number lotto wheel had 4 winning lotto numbers 40 times. In one drawing it offered two combinations with 4 winning numbers. Most importantly, it offered 5 winning numbers 3 times: drawings 1, 40, and 66. The report can be viewed at the download site (CHECK6.49).
- State Lotteries Should Run Online, Too - 6/17/2000.
- State Lotteries Should Run Online And in Ticket Stores for best convenience offered by the Internet to lottery players. The future reads Internet Lottery Lotto.
- Indicators of Lotto, Lottery Filters - Gurdial 6/15/2000.
- I have been using wheel-6 lotto wheeling software (32bit version) for quite some time now, generating the winning reports after almost every lotto draw. In your experience, are there some filters that would be more sensitive than others?
- Re: Indicators of Lotto, Lottery Filters - 6/17/2000.
- There is no bias towards any of the lottery filters. All filters share the same property: the MEDIAN. If a lotto filter is set to a value equal to its median, it will slash the total of possible lotto combinations in half. There are fluctuations in the medians because of the changing composition of the lottery data files.
- Latest version of lotto, lottery software - 6/12/2000.
- Be sure that you always use the LATEST version of the lotto, lottery software. Next, don't mix up the versions. Apparently, you mixed up old ST3 lottery files with newer POWER-3 versions. Just look at the prompt screens of POWER3 and the contents of your ST3 lottery files. In Shelton West's case, the ST3 file has only half of the entries required by POWER3 lottery software.
- Horse Racing Software - Tycoon 6/12/2000.
- I am also curious about the horseracing software applications. There are a number of statistical biases though not present in say lotteries-for instance in a handicap race where top horses carry the top weight and weaker horses the bottom in a sprint invariably the top horses come out.
- Horse Racing Software Now Available - 6/12/2000.
- The compressed horseracing software package is LOTWONH. It expands to a package very similar to super pick3. I have studied horseracing for several years. The resemblance to the 3-digit lottery is striking! I have won a couple of times playing trifectas (boxed). Every track has a strong bias towards certain trifecta or exacta combinations.
- Super Pick-3 lottery software for download (free!) - 6/11/2000.
- Indeed, the lottery strategy selection was badly missing. Now, you got it: STRAT3 pick-3 lottery software! I can only give you a tip. In the W3 files, look at the median values of the lottery filters. For example, PR has a median of 33 (or 34). If you multiply that by 3, you get something like 100. If PR (the minimum) is equal to 100, the filter will slash the total possible lottery combinations in half THREE TIMES OVER.
- Super Pick3 lottery software for download (free!) - RVS 6/11/2000.
- I haven't been asked questions on using this lottery program. You shouldn't, either. I only feel some think "Why is this id. making it public?" Remember when you win you owe me...
- Sample Strategy File for the Wheel-5 lotto program - Erik List 6/02/2000.
- I find that your lottery programs are remarkable and that they make playing lotto much more enjoyable. In California they are moving to a Powerball system for their Big Game lottery. Since powerball will become impossible to win, I am planning to start playing the daily 5 out of 39 lotto game when jackpots become large.
- Re: Sample Strategy File for the lotto Wheel-5 program - 6/02/2000.
- there is no template for strategy files for the Wheel-5 lotto wheeling software. If you could give me some basic information or direction on how to format this strategy file it would be much appreciated. Keep up the good work. You got me! The code was not updated to accept the new structure of the lotto-5 strategy files.
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